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Would bringing back things like telelocating players be bad for the game for sake of moderation? Or other solutions that could be good too?

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Sometimes there's those few people that in public you cannot control, you cannot tolerate and becomes a menace to which makes me want them to either poof away from the base or get tenticle trapped. I'll be a mean person for the sake of defending the base or not having people who annoy me sometimes to get rid of them but that feature was removed forever ago and it really sucks.

While there's possible way to use it for griefing but there's other scarier ways to actually do it and it takes a torch or hammer and it's enough to start a mess. I feel like there should be a "safe function" if someone is possibly setting fires and or hammering buildings of any kind you'd have a generous window to get rid of those people.

It would give the survivors more authority and control, those that protect the base and upkeep them could bring in that judgement. I feel like there should be some level of "PVP" meter or something or moderation meter as if the player is being harmful to others creation they should be allowed to be punished immediately. 

Or easier solution is public report to "banish" or execute a player via a vote ingame after witnessing what they are doing. 

Public survival is always a mess and you know you're doomed once someone has negative intentions. Either using ingame items would give people the power or via the server votes having possibility to banish kicking them and killing them to drop items, and if they leave before witness vote ends - they die anyway.

In a way, this could be somewhat neat way to moderate and whoever has control over that world wins. Can't judge those that do nothing or harm nothing, petty thievery could be punishable but most things can be renewed anyway... For Klei to decide on that, but improving quality of life for servers would be neat. 

As for me, I just kinda miss that funny power of poofing people away once they reach base with a torch or hammer in hand. Weatherpains and Telelocators used to be such neat tools before in a server I used to moderate had to resort to getting modded to be playable at all.

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