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Conveyor belt content does not interact with steam help

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I have a copper volcano tamer that cools down copper... the copper exits the room when the belt sensor reads less than 150. Unfortunately when the copper content in the rail is in the mcgs the temperature remains 900c; the steam never cools it down and it prevents the rail from letting the cooper out. 


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Ejecting elements from the rail regularly can effectively prevent the buildup of mcg-level materials. These small amounts do not exchange heat with other materials, and their accumulation in the rails can lead to problems. By periodically ejecting the contents and allowing the mcg-level materials to merge, we can minimize the presence of these minute elements and maintain efficient operation.

I myself usually only enable automatic sweepers for short periods of time to reduce the possibility of microgram-level material buildup. Additionally, an automatic ejecting mechanism can be added to periodically clean up microgram-level materials on rails.

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The strategy I always use with metal volcano tamers is to use a Conveyor Meter Valve, set to an amount of like 0.5 or 1, linked to a Themo Sensor measuring the steam temperature, to emit packets. Then have the metal packets pass through a single metal tile to fully equalize temperature, you can also have it pass through a few Steam tiles and for extra credit interact with the cold exhaust water (like you can valve half the exhaust water to 1 kg/s and have it pass through a one tile heat exchanger with the refined metal, ensuring the metal comes out at about 100 C).

Since a small piece of refined metal equalizes temperature basically instantly there's no need to measure the temperature of the metal on the rail, it will be steam temperature, and it eliminates all issues with mg quantities.

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