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woodies weremoose vs ancient fuelweaver?

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Im wondering if anybdoy else has tried to fight the ancient fuelweave with woodies weremoose?
i tried but he heals to much from the hands inbetween fights

so i indefinitely continue to kite him and deal some damage, and then  he imediately gains it back, any tips or sugestions? 

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Unfortunately I don't believe it's really feasible restricting yourself to the Weremoose. Lack of sanity manipulation makes the fight simply too difficult to traverse around AFW's mechanics.

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From my own experience you can use moose in not-solo fights - like it's just easier to have at least one someone to be able kill woven shadows and other things. Also weremoose is going to be insane, randomly caged and probably attracting lots of shadows - you likely will need a perk from skill tree. 

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You can be a moose if you have at least one other player, but it isn't practical solo. I've given it a few attempts after the skill tree came out. Here are the problems with moosing up afw:

1. No ability to manage your sanity means you will get mind controlled or be unable to attack the unseen hands.

2. Bone cages are a major issue. You might be able to dodge it by timing a charge at the right time, but you have no backup if that doesn't work.

3. Limited healing (even with jellybeans) means you won't have enough HP for the duration of the fight.

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