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Willow, a personal retrospective and thoughts on her skill tree

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12 hours ago, 9screamingkittens said:


That's true. But Klei is a company, and a company that pays their employees. Modders are doing it for free. As much as I sympathise with the workload, their work doesn't have to be subpar just because they...have more work. And it's not like other characters have a fire themed skill tree to take away from Willow's! She might be a flat character for some if you're not into what she represents, but imho I feel there's a lot of potential for interesting mechanics, whether they're inspired by her past or her present

You should see the kind of work people do for their passion projects compared to those forced to slave away under a corpo. Not like the DST devs are impassionate, but paying someone money =/= passion and personal investment in what they're working on. 

That and who knows what kinda pressure is put on them from their parent company to push a certain direction of DST... much to the chagrin of people vocal in these forums.

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On 12/1/2023 at 7:24 PM, ButterStuffed said:

For literally 10 years Willow's fire related abilities were never once considered magical. No character quotes hint towards magic, all of her abilities were logically sound within the game world, (besides Bernie I suppose) her cinematic even went as far as to make it plausible for Willow to have caused an explosion through non-magical means. The sudden shift towards explaining her abilities as literally magic is such a huge left turn that I was not at all expecting.

I think from a lore-based lens, all skill trees need to be thought of as 0 insight on a new world, and through exploration of the constant, one advances their own skills. This is how Wilson is able to transmute elements even though he starts as a man of science. Woodie enters with this mystic curse and makes discoveries to allow for him to use it to his advantage. Wormwood is able to discover new ways of interacting with plants to either replicate or manipulate them. (idk what wolfgang's tree looks like tbh I reject him as a character,( I imagine he does bigger damage or something and all gamer boys go :0). Willow enters the constant as a pyromaniac with a magical teddybear and makes discoveries that allow her to manipulate fire better and eventually to wield it magically.

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I have found one highly situational (& also not very good..) use for Willows Controlled Burning skill.


You can set fire to shipwreckage and that not set your own boat on fire, which is useful to remove them from clinging to your boat & still allows you to row with the Oar at night.

Like I said: Pointless once you upgrade the boat with a mast and deck light..

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Willow's skill cooldown time is really uncomfortable, and every time you want to use a skill, you need to consider the issue of cooldown time, as the operation is too cumbersome. I have a plan for Willow's flames.There can be more and better solutions.

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