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Molten Slicksters starving to death

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Not sure whats going on with these molten slicksters. I have 20 currently living in 45-50kg of 300-350 deg f CO2. All the molten slicksters in the ranch inhale and gain only around 8 kcal per, dont appear to excrete petroleum, and starve to death. They are all tame. The ones living outside the sable are doing just fine and eating well but just not any of the ones in the ranch.


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3 hours ago, joe3180 said:

Not sure whats going on with these molten slicksters. I have 20 currently living in 45-50kg of 300-350 deg f CO2. All the molten slicksters in the ranch inhale and gain only around 8 kcal per, dont appear to excrete petroleum, and starve to death. They are all tame. The ones living outside the sable are doing just fine and eating well but just not any of the ones in the ranch.


This usually happens when you have excessive numbers of critters.  Basically, the critter AI is a round robin, where each critter gets a turn to decide what to do.  If you have hundreds or thousands of critters, the slicksters don't get enough time to think about eating and starve (though they would probably never die).  This is actually an annoyance I have because I want thousands of slicksters to all my CO2 turns to water and food.

How many critters do you have?

Also, are they actually starving to death, or are they all pegged at ~9-10 cycles to starving?

I think the next patch is supposed to help with this, but I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet.

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You are correct on them not dying. They just limp along giving me eggs and meat. Total slicksters is currently 8 in 2 stables and 9 outside of stables. I just barely started the ranches. If your talking total critters altogether... I have 69 shove voles, 442 pacu, 72 drako, 26 hatch, 10 sweedles, 6 grub grub, 4 pips, 9 pufts... so not too many. I was aiming for 120+ slicksters at min but if these are bugged out like this I might need to go for 250+ to hopefully be able to eat of all the co2. Just weird that its only the ranched one that have the problem. All the others produce just fine. Its almost like the other bug where the drakos and pips get stuck in front of a tile of water. They just stand next to the door and dont move. The larva act normal and produce in the stables. I tried deconstructing all the buildings to see what happens and it just the same. I tried opening the door and they just sit in the door, confined, and do nothing lol.

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There is a mod that might help. "Don't starve mr puft". It makes it so that when critter that eat like pufts(so slicksters) have low calories, they inhale more co2, so they gain more kcals in that time. Haven't teated it but you might give it a try. 

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16 hours ago, Nogard78 said:

There is a mod that might help. "Don't starve mr puft". It makes it so that when critter that eat like pufts(so slicksters) have low calories, they inhale more co2, so they gain more kcals in that time. Haven't teated it but you might give it a try. 

If it gets so annoying and I cant figure anything else out I will think about it. I never want to use any mods but if it fixes a broken game... I guess its a possibility. TY for the suggestion.

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23 hours ago, Nogard78 said:

There is a mod that might help. "Don't starve mr puft". It makes it so that when critter that eat like pufts(so slicksters) have low calories, they inhale more co2, so they gain more kcals in that time. Haven't teated it but you might give it a try. 

Thank you, I've wanted a fix for that for ages!  Maybe now my army of slicksters will work properly.

6 hours ago, joe3180 said:

If it gets so annoying and I cant figure anything else out I will think about it. I never want to use any mods but if it fixes a broken game... I guess its a possibility. TY for the suggestion.

I wouldn't avoid mods.  (This isn't what I wanted to say).  Using mods is pretty common.  A lot of the games features were added because they were popular mods.  I like using mods that don't give you any new powers or abilities, like Sweep by Type, Pip Planting Overlay, and Show Building ranges.

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