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Bring "Petal production" back, "Photosynthesis" is more useless

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Petal Production was a bad skill because it didn't have synergy with the character but it at least had one or two uses
but now the photosynthesis is insignificant, honestly i never liked the idea of wormwood regen passive, since the lack of healing is one of his difficulties , but it's worse than that you can't even feel that the skill exists it's so bad it can be 
my opinion is that they could remove the photosynthesis or add it with the shade plant and replace the petal production with improvements that could be... Wormwood be able to plant flowers using the petals 

this makes perfect sense, it would give Wormwood full synergy with the others skills
it would help to create the bee box faster (bee friend)
it would help to move the flowers to the base at the beginning of the game to kill the butterflies more easily (Butterfly friendo???)
and i don't see any other use for flowers playing wormwood since unlike the other characters he loses sanity picking them and can't replant like he does with other plants
and when Wormwood is transformed, it alredy produces flowers when it walks, like it's alredy something that's in the character, it's just not usable 

but now when it comes to interacting with other characters using this, they could abuse a little to farm sanity, but i would consider this as a Wortox healing the team, like sanity control has always been the only strong point of Wormwood and he has always been a more "Support" character so helping the team with what he has best make total sense to me, of course there could be several nerfs that would help not to abuse it like all the flowers that Wormwood plants using petals become Roses with thorns so it would be costly to pick them up

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I feel Wormwood is more like a lunar baby, not regular plants, who is made of living logs, and doesn't do photosynthesis, but is imbued with lunar power.

In other word, Wormwood seems to be powered by lunar power, not solar energy.

Thematically, it feels a bit disloyal to the lore... maybe I'm wrong.

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Honestly doesn't make sense to me to remove photosynthesis when there are other skills that could be removed.

I think petal production could be toned down and moved sooner in the skill tree. Say 10 petals a day max, 1/3~ it's original power.

Photosynthesis is good for early game living logs and the suncaller buff means it's around 24/7. 

I will say it feels kinda weak for a "final tier" skill. 24 HP a day is a long time to be tethered to a dwarf star for what is essentially one healing salve. And it only gets progressively weaker in 2/4 of the seasons (without starcaller). Power that is somewhat unreliable is not great in comparison to weremoose mastery which is reliable and strong.

Unless dwarf star healing stacks????

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I think it'd be pretty cool if they reworked photosynthesis into a skill that lets wormwood plant themself on the spot, of which could have a multitude of effects (not necessarily all).

It could:

  • Possibly pause his bloom decay until he un-roots himself.
  • Possibly negate the sanity drain from night/dusk/caves.
  • Possibly make mobs lose aggro (akin to a Bush Hat or slightly better).
  • Possible protection from Charlie (In a way, you're rooted and lose productivity in exchange for survival. A"last resort" in a way).
  • Drain hunger in exchange for a health and sanity regen akin to a worse-version of a tent (like Webber with tier 3 dens).
  • When rooted on a farm plot, Drain total maximum Health (you would need a Booster Shot) (would not proc health/sanity regen) to fertilize the farm plot with each type of nutrient over a period of time.

Giving Wormwood a skill that really reiterates that they are in fact a living plant would be a very interesting thematic choice, and could benefit players of multiple skill-levels if added in good practice; all in all, I have faith in the devs to implement their own vision into Wormwood, whether it includes my suggestions or not. :encouragement:

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1 hour ago, HowlVoid said:

Honestly doesn't make sense to me to remove photosynthesis when there are other skills that could be removed.

I think petal production could be toned down and moved sooner in the skill tree. Say 10 petals a day max, 1/3~ it's original power.

Photosynthesis is good for early game living logs and the suncaller buff means it's around 24/7. 

I will say it feels kinda weak for a "final tier" skill. 24 HP a day is a long time to be tethered to a dwarf star for what is essentially one healing salve. And it only gets progressively weaker in 2/4 of the seasons (without starcaller). Power that is somewhat unreliable is not great in comparison to weremoose mastery which is reliable and strong.

Unless dwarf star healing stacks????

I hope these other skills are also removed, it turns out that photosynthesis took the place of flower production and managed to be worse than it
i was wondering how they changed the bee perk to be able to work in bee box making it useful, why not change the flower one too wich has synergy with the bee box
i dont think spending a starcaller to regenerate is a good option either for farming or combat 

I wanted something more impactful for the last skill of a tree, like if photosynthesis was like an initial skill like butterfly or seed identification I wouldn't mind it being so bad too

1 hour ago, goatt said:

I feel Wormwood is more like a lunar baby, not regular plants, who is made of living logs, and doesn't do photosynthesis, but is imbued with lunar power.

In other word, Wormwood seems to be powered by lunar power, not solar energy.

Thematically, it feels a bit disloyal to the lore... maybe I'm wrong.

yes, you're right, I think that's what bothers me about him regenerating with the sun 

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