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Your will twitch for sure if you use these mods (no actual Twitch needed)

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I don't know about you but I started to get bored quickly playing ONI lately (after playing for more than 3000+ hours over the past few years). Yes… I suffer from severe Restartitis and abandon bases before I get to a high enough number of cycles where usually most people are starting to get bored. I know that.. but what can I do when my most immediate needs are done on cycle 10? 


Bathrooms: done
Food: Mealwood will last for ~200 more cycles* 
Oxygen: Algae will last for ~100 more cycles* 
*if I don't get too many dupes

I managed to go up to cycle 40 everything going super smooth


but then I needed something… different. I knew about the Twitch integration mod but you need to be streaming on Twitch and actually have an audience in order to use it the way it is intended to be used (audience votes and interacts with the stream) until! Twitch timer arrived to give all these events of the mod on a countdown (Warning! Even if you know it's coming, you still have no idea what is coming!!). These two mods along with some wacky Extra twitch events were so much fun, I wanted to share the experience.

You know when you start feeling bored looking at your dupes being happy having just the minimum things in the colony (a bedroom, bathroom, nature reserve and a meal every day) and want to open sandbox mode and sprinkle some magma just so you see what will happen? Well, you can let the countdown decide and just roll with it (I hope there is no magma flood option though… or is there?). 

The mod has 60+ events and no list of them (which I think it's better that way just so you get more surprised of what is coming) and adding some extra wacky ones on the mix, made a great playthrough. I didn't document all of them but you can see traces of what happened all over my base.

So, spoilers ahead (in case you wanted to try it and go blind)


It was a lovely 40 cycle peaceful colony when suddenly…

Cycle 45
The bees?!! Not the bees!! Well.. they spawned in CO2 and fell asleep, it will be fin- 



Ugh! I forgot what they do when they fall asleep! You ok dupes? And why did all the Beetas sting Burt?! Anyways… No casualties! Just a bruised Burt

Cycle 49
Temperature management after a while is easy, right? Well, I don’t even manage it using the steam turbine/aquatuner contraption. I just don’t dig the entire map and let the 20C rock keep the surroundings cool. Ehmmm.. Didn’t help much if all your build tiles convert to superheated ones! Aaaah! Help..



And then… the floods started

Cycle 53, 65, 84, 93, 107 (and some more in-between)
Ethanol, oil, water, goop, jello and even more jello… And it will spread eeeverywhere!








Cycle 61
Trippy multi colors. Rainbow goes round and round… You blink once, it’s blue, you blink twice it’s purple. Wheeee! 



Watch your eyes!




(Right after that a Retro event dropped… unfortunately I was too dizzy and disoriented to manage a screenshot before it was over..)

Cycle 65
You needed iron? Here!  Have some! Ehm .. Ok! It will be there forever now. It even claimed a seed into its territory. It's fiiiiine. Don't worry about it dupes. It’s sealed in 0mcg of insulation…



Fortunately the glass one that broke the seal was a bit further away. Glass for days! (when it cools down a bit..) (cycle -unknown-)


Cycle 70
Goop! And some more goop! And much more slimy jelly to keep things going. We good! I just need more eggs for ice cream  sorry “goop parfait”. Are you going to make some more of that Camille? Pretty please!




Cycle 76
Oh hello! Massive, cute beasty. You can stay there. I'm not going to bother you .. ever! That's your area now. Are you happy? Please don't hurt me…



Cycle 78
Midas what? What does that d-... Noooooo! Sweetle! What have I done?! It's still squeaking!! 



Hmm… +200 decor? Maybe I can move it on a pedestal? Oh never mind. Sweetle is fine and moving around again.

Cycle 114
After all the floods slowed down, the farts began!



Cycle 124
Yay! More water!



There were some scary events too. Like the one of “Your dupes got poisoned. They take damage”.

I didn’t get what it was about at first…

Damage? What damage? How much damage? They went to 90. Ok. That’s fin- 80? hmm.. 70……..

When does it stop!! It’s at 50 health now!! Triage cots! Where are the cots!! Build build build! 



Sigh… It stopped at 20 dupe health. Ok ok. (breath) Only Stinky suffered the most, being the new dupe and all. -9 athletics is not easy…


And then there were events .. to your face! Like  THE EGG! That was too scary…




Fast forward 100 cycles (after the first 40 breezy ones) and my base is not dead.. yet..

But I am…

Dead tired of mopping..
(What flood count was this? 20th?)


Thank you @asquared31415 and @Aki Art for making such great mods :love_heart:

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22 minutes ago, sakura_sk said:

I knew about the Twitch integration mod but you need to be streaming on Twitch and actually have an audience in order to use it the way it is intended to be used (audience votes and interacts with the stream) until! Twitch timer arrived to give all these events of the mod on a countdown (Warning! Even if you know it's coming, you still have no idea what is coming!!). These two mods along with some wacky Extra twitch events were so much fun, I wanted to share the experience.

Fun Fact:

Did you Know that Diseases Expanded add even more events? As you could guess from the mod name, they revolt around germ and sickness concepts, but that includes some healing and medicine as well, so there is a possibility to roll something good from time to time. I suggest to add it to your new games, as enabling it in the middle of a run can skip some of the learning curve and catch you unprepared, but nothing really stops you from trying your skills mid-run :) Have Fun!

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