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Questions about the QoL update

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This is one of my first times posting here but I am just curious about if they have considered adding things like the reworked characters and reworked farming into the update! I know its probably a bit much for a "quality of life" update but I do think it would make the base game and dlcs much more accessible to people who have been used to the refined DST systems instead of the outdated systems and characters in singleplayer

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I'm pretty sure this QOL is to be rather grounded and is only adding features that make sense in single player without debate. Hence why it's a bunch of tuning and UI improvements.

Characters in DST are mostly designed for multiplayer. Porting them to DS is sort of a rabbit hole because you'd be nerfing mechanics people in DS are already used to for little gain because you aren't playing with friends. Some designs are straight up better without multiplayer in mind (I am fond of the Maxwell re-work), but it's not true for all of them so would they just cherry pick? 

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I disagree that reworked characters and/or reworked farming should be introduced to DS. 


Don't Starve is the original inspiration for Don't Starve Together, but exists separately. DST has morphed into it's own unique and separate game, for good reason. The tweaks made were to support multiple players in the world, so players would continue to be challenged, but without being inhibited by mechanics that weren't ever designed for several users.


Don't Starve is a single player game with its own design. There's no need for it to have the changes from DST when you can simply play DST by yourself to get the experience you're looking for. 

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