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what would happen if I will put high temperature on balm lilly flower

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56 minutes ago, jagiellonczyk said:

Thanks - This is exactly what I was looking for to establish - is there temperature high enough to transform it to something

Simple answer is no.

But what you can do is stack the balm lily into a storage bin then set it to compost it all in one go rather than in small batches, this will allow the duplicants to fill a compost with more than one 1kg at a time, more efficient that way, or attach an auto sweeper and let that feed your compost bins, then it is simply the motion of flipping that the duplicants have to worry about rather than loading and flipping.

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Genetic ooze technically has melting point:  10 000C. But its not possible to get such temperatures without mods or dev tools. And ooze has nothing to melt in, so game will crash if you try it. So no, temperature is not an answer for your problem

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