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Been away from ONI for a year or so.

I'm trying to figure what the balance for the DLC is when I would normally play with around 9 dupes in the regular version. 

How many dupes do you keep and where?

What does your cycle count look like when you first teleport or first teleport to explore vs teleport to colonize?

Any why do so many streamers play this as fast as possible? I usually break out of roid one around cycle 100. I find I'm tending too many subsystems to really explore early on.

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I play on the lower difficulty setting and I don't like killing dupes, so that's just me. My first evening playing a new game I'll sprint through the following goals at 2x speed: Basic toilets and beds; clean water; research; a temporary mealwood farm if the temperature supports it; coal power (optional, lately I've been skipping it); my main plumbing loop; and a SPOM. After that I set up natural gas power if available before sending a digger/builder through the teleporter. If I can add deconstruction to that dupe so much the better to help clear out some of the decorative items at the other end. 

Generally I keep my dupe count pretty low. I only grab one from the printer if they have a mix of interests that meets one of my archetypes: digger/decorator+building, operating+building, farming+ranching, or tidying+farming. I usually only have one hardcore researcher who becomes a rocket jockey after I finish the tech tree. At each colony other than the main base I plan for a stable population of 3-4 dupes, possibly with some extra beds for guests. I generally only hit the 20 dupe achievement when I'm really far along.

I generally launch my first rocket with a CO2 engine somewhere between cycles 100-150, although on my current game it took about 200 cycles.

My advice to anyone is to only focus on one major project at each planetoid at a time, and to automate like crazy once you can produce refined metals cheaply.

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I have found some changes to be dragging on early game. Food spoilage has been an issue up until cycle 100 ( not knowing what a spice grinder did with regard to a kitchen )... fixed my spoilage issue.

I think my favorite o2 production method is via sublimation polluted water through air fore pumps ( through a layer of water via mesh airflow tile .

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I usually hit 15 dupes by cycle 50, which helps on the rushing side (SPOM/Food/Beds/Toilets etc. is usually done at ~cycle 30-40).

15 dupes equals a half-rodriguez (call me lazy on that one) which is my usual limit per Asteroid.

What's also great for o2 and I build this is a lot is that claymator build, but it needs automation to stop it from overpressuring your base.

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On 10/24/2022 at 9:51 PM, The Plum Gate said:

How many dupes do you keep and where?

I tried a few approaches. Like you cna have a proper base on each planetoid but that`s around 10-15 dupes. When colonizing multiple of them it adds up quickly. You can keep your main base a s a hub and just send all resources there. Then you`d have the most dupes in the main planetoid and groups of 4-6 on other ones digging and sending stuff in. It works pretty good.

You can also make a group of specialist digger/builders that is kept at a relatively low morale so you can send them to new planetoids when your initial dupes get the basics working (toilets, rooms, food). Then you can keep less dupes on the main or even leave a skeleton crew and move on the second one altogether.

The thing is that you don`t want to overload on the number of dupes for performance reasons. (or at least i don`t want to) And you want to move to a new planetoid at the moment your base doesn`t need to be looked at 100% of the time.

Morale is more important in the DLC as each new base needs to provide it as well as rockets. You might end scrubbing dupe skills a lot or printing fresh ones for exploration.

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Started a bit different, I guess it's the metals roid - has aluminum and pips to begin. Having water problems already, due to electrolyzer,  but have lumber ... so much lumber. 

Is there any other use for ethanol other than nosh beans?

I got 5 dupes and cycle 150 is, had 5 circa 100. 4 on main and one prepping the tk oil roid. I still have not broke the surface of either. 

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It's not well documented, but you can feed ethanol into a petroleum generator to get power and polluted water. But you'll also get more CO2 than it would be economical to scrub, so you might want to do that where the CO2 will get sucked out into space. If you let the generator and battery get cooled by the pwater output, this is super simple to set up in the early game, and even in the mid-game can serve as a backup for when your other power sources go offline (like natural gas).




Ethanol also has a low freezing point, so it's useful for liquid locks in places that are presently cold, as long as they won't ever get above 78.4°C.

Unfortunately you cannot use ethanol in a petroleum rocket, unless something has changed recently that I'm unaware of.

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