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Maybe stuff for tower defence?

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This screenshot says about that in DST there is no Tower defence stuff - for example turrets different kind of barricades spikes traps and etc - For this need The wall refresh + blueprint of Wooden ballista towers, strong walls - new wall gates Lock system for chests and doors and etc - this stuff will make base building more sencefull including bases with walls - This will make PVP servers more alife - and the bases will not be like Gigantic farms 

Снимок.PNG 14.PNG

Also this screenshots says that i used mods like engineer for turrets + custom wall reballance doom mod wich changes useless walls to strong and usefull ( sadly recipe of wood walls is very expensive - i like them in the beginning) wall gates mod for doors  


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Existing walls could just work as better defense by changing mob AI. The general path-finding AI of mobs would need to be made less apt at finding a path around it, so you wouldn't have a horde of mobs walking all the way around and through the only entryway of an otherwise walled-off area. Beyond a certain point around a line of walls, mobs could start attacking the walls regardless. This way you have AI that you would consider smart, but not too smart so the walls aren't a complete waste as defense unless you are completely walled in all the way around.

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i mean tower defence - not style (but i fits the games as survival games so ) i mean stuff for the tower defence like wooden ballista towers, door like barricades, spike barricades, more traps - for the base defence - i am the only one who made DST more interesting - i made walls usefull by mod i made hound wave more strong and more numbers of hounds i add the engineer mod for myself to make this style - and it looks coool :D - but in generals all this stuff must be in game instead of downloading tons of mods wich are hard for the HDD to calculate and are not optimised as well :D 

So why not fit? you just didnt played the survival games with this style - i tried and its look very well - so i am not lying - this will make game more interesting and base building sence more

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