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[TOOL] Some Animation Tools


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All mentioned tools can be downloaded at https://github.com/ZzzzzzzSkyward/DSTmodutils They are collected from the forums and elsewhere. All mentioned tools are confirmed usable in Windows 10 x64, other platforms may want to build its own version.



ktech.exe converts bewteen .tex and .png

krane.exe converts anim.bin+build.bin+atlas to .scml

both have some more features.


BuildRenamer.exe changes build.bin's build name. But it deletes symbol table, so that if converted to .scml, all symbol names are lost.(e.g. "pig_head" end up being "symbol1")


An old version of Spriter that is free. The latest version is Spriter r11.

Spriter.exe edits .scml, exports .scml to .gif, .png array. Unluckily I havn't found a command line program.



The latest version is

TEXTool.exe opens .tex and displays it and saves .png, .jpg, .bmp, etc. If you have a .xml alongside .tex, TEXTool.exe will display symbols.

TEXCreator.exe opens images and batch converts images to .tex.

5.Python scripts[cmd]

build.py converts anim.xml to anim.bin

rebuild.py converts anim.bin to anim.xml



It is broken.

animc.exe converts anim.xml+build.xml to anim.bin+build.bin, but it is broken.

animd.exe converts anim.bin+build.bin to anim.xml+build.xml.



It is broken.

Visualize mods/



A poorer TexTool, but better at displaying symbols.



ztools.exe converts between images and atlas. Supports multiple images.

10.Texture And Atlas Packer[gui]


Converts multiple images to atlas



Similar to ztools, but with more options.

Edited by Mr.Rickzzs
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Major Update since 2022.12 of the github repo:

1. Used another fork of ktools which fixes some bugs.

2. Used a new tool from https://github.com/Jerry457/ds_tool. This tool fixes many bugs in official compiler such as wrongly interpolating frames, and it is a substitution for krane and ktech, too, by fixing bugs such as losing layername during conversion, misinterpreting the size of images. You must try this! Thanks to that, the script file pyscripts/cli.py can now:

  1. convert between anim.bin and anim.xml
  2. convert between build.bin and build.xml
  3. convert between build.bin and build.json
  4. rename a build.bin
  5. convert between a zip and a scml project, when anim.bin, build.bin and atlas-0.tex are all there
  6. convert between a zip and a build.xml and some images, when anim.bin is not present
  7. convert a folder containing (anim.bin, not necessary, too) build.bin and (atlas.tex, not necessary) to a scml project. No anim.bin, no scml. Without atlas.tex, you get transparent images
  8. convert between png and tex
  9. convert between a folder of png files and xml+tex
  10. interpolate scon. [experimental] This only works with scml animations with a keyframe at the beginning and the end. Only linear and bezier interpolation is allowed
  11. crop all the images within a scml project, and modify the pivot accordingly

A packed exe file for Windows is available here.


(visit https://github.com/ZzzzzzzSkyward/DSTmodutils for newest script, https://github.com/ZzzzzzzSkyward/DSTmodutils/releases/tag/publish for newest exe)

3. Updated STex that fixes some bugs.

4. Add fsb extractor.

5. Add steamdown and steam2md.py, which converts between workshop format and markdown.

6. Add Don't Starve Speech File Editor v0.8.

7. Add bmfont to create font.

Edited by Rickzzs
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A new animation player is out now.


  1. The ds_tool by Jerry, or cli.py by Rickzzs, to generate a json output for anim.bin and build.bin. And you need to extract images yourself.
  2. A modern browser.


Open `build.json` and `anim.json` to play the animation.
By default, this HTML file is in the same directory as the images. If they are different, you need to manually enter the image path starting with `file:///`, for example: `file:///C:/Users/x/Desktop/anim/`.
Use the mouse wheel to change the image frame.
Drag the mouse to move the image pivot.
Parameters: Image pivot (x,y), scale (sx,sy), translation (tx,ty), rotation angle (an), layer order (z-index) - larger values mean upper layers, actual value is `50-zindex`.




Edited by Rickzzs
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On 3/7/2024 at 2:55 AM, Cliffford W. said:

Sorry but is it possible to make krane do the same job as dsanimtool cause im used to drag and dropping folders on top of my batch file that uses krane.exe

What do you mean? The code for this tool is completely written in python3 so you can develop whatever interface you like with your own python script . I've written a command line interface in cli.py, which is then exported as dsanimtool.exe for those who do not have python. krane.exe is not involved here. The compiler for images are one of them: ktech, stex or ztools.

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4 hours ago, ant7735 said:

dsanimtool was instantly marked as malware for me,
Is this a false positive?

The way the program is packed is similar to virus, which extracts and runs scripts (python scripts here) to a temporary directory in the background. You don't need to worry about it.

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