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i think WEBBER needs a sticky mob trap like the bird catcher but more like a bear trap . made with silk, sticks, and rocks or bone shards or bee stingers or flint. they would hurt AND slow the enemy or even hold it in place briefly.

as for a weapon i suggested a while back a weapon called a BOLA. which is basically 3 ropes tied in the center with some type of weight (usually a rock) at the other 3 ends. hell if you look up bola spider it is a real thing.

as seen in the images below they can even be used on a mount so technically they can be used by anyone i guess. WALTER and WOBY would used them very well. also they can be used on foot.

neither pic is mine. i got them from google cuz i can't draw for crap.

technically it also can be used as a whip as long as you do not release it.



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