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Wheezeworts should be split into 2 plants

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Wheezeworts were always a super useful plant for providing easy cooling and taking almost no space. A lot of designs used them even after the nerfs it got. Now that it also produces radiation it became a superduper useful plant. Not only it cools your base but also powers your research and orbital cannons. It just does too much. Maybe the radiation part was supposed to make it more of a danger but that`s not the case. Dupes can sleep next to one with mostly no issues.

IMO it should be split into 2 plants. One would be the old wheezewort for cooling. The other one would be a radiation based plant that could take the same fertilizer. Wild ones could appear in radiated biomes to provide some extra radiation hazard and maybe creates some contaminants around themselves to warrant using decontamination showers. The could maybe also interact with beetas providing them with a renewable source of food outside uranium ore. When domesticated they would produce more radiation.

I realize that the wheezewort is lorewise an animal but lets not overcomplicate.

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A radiation producing plant would be interesting. Maybe it could use nuclear waste or depleted uranium for fertilizer even. (Though, personally those are better used in an ambient radiation harvester.)

A plant (or fungus) that absorbed radiation (maybe radiation AND light) would be kind of cool. You could build greenhouses on the surface or use shine bugs to fuel their biology.

It would probably be more challenging for the radiation eating "plant" to be a fungus so it would need to be in darkness.

As for the weezewarts. I think they are fine. I haven't gotten to the point I could use them much.


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18 hours ago, Sanchozz said:

I think he just needs to be nerfed again. so that wild Wheezewort emits 4 times less radiation,  just as it cools 4 times worse.

I guess that works. But wouldn`t affect my designs as i don`t bother using pips to plant them close together. Still it doesn`t fix the core issue where this thing just does too many things. I`d prefer if there were 2 different things each with it`s own niche rather than one that both cools and power radbolt collectors.

7 hours ago, Slightquills said:

A plant (or fungus) that absorbed radiation (maybe radiation AND light) would be kind of cool. You could build greenhouses on the surface or use shine bugs to fuel their biology.

That`s another thing. It would be nice but again you could just plant that next to a wheezewort and it would just work. Maybe if the plant had a radiation blocking effect it could be used for shielding as well.

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