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[RETURN OF THEM] Pre-expansion feature freeze request / DST "Classic" mode

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In the original Don't Starve, game changing updates such as Reign of Giants had being introduced as independent DLCs, allowing one to freely opt in or out of the different gameplay styles. With Don't Starve Together however, deep game changing updates are being patched directly into the main game, with no way to opt in or out.

I understand that Klei perhaps no longer wants to market and/or engineer these updates as separate DLCs, but I wonder if, alternatively, it would be possible to branch out / freeze the gameplay at the feature point prior to the Return of Them expansion, and make it available as an alternative mode (perhaps a checkbox like RoG)? Something along the line of perhaps a DST "Classic" or "Legacy" mode? This would allow the flow of updates to remain as they are now, while also allowing those of us that still crave the experience of a more "classic" Don't Starve gameplay to continue to do so.

Thanks for your time and attention, and just wanted to say I deeply appreciate all the work and love that you continue to pour into this wonderful game. You guys rock! :)

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Hey there, welcome to the forums!

The only thing that really changed was character refreshes, and the farming overhaul. I believe there's mods for most character refreshes to be reverted, but I don't exactly go looking around for those kinds of things very often, so you'd need to check. Otherwise all the new content can be (and usually is on most servers I see) completely ignored as it's things you need to go purposely out of your way for.

However, you can always try to find or create a mod that does this split, as Klei has said the reason they don't want to make content released as or like DLCs would be because it would split the playerbase.

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