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Lag that causes sliding

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On Xbox 1, there is a lot of lag, but that will happen, as it is an Xbox, but most of the time when lag occurs you lose control of your character, and teleport back to the place you were 2 or 3 seconds ago and start sliding and retracing your steps while sliding with little to no control, and if it happens right at the start of a short animation then at the end sliding you are stuck in a frame midway through the animation. Another piece of lag is one that makes a small radius you can go in but if you go to the edge then you teleport back to the middle of that radius. That lag is very rare but is most prominent when riding Woby or a beefalo. 1 more type of lag is super rare but my friend says he lagged so bad he slid to the bottom right corner of base and picked up some beeswax he never went near. Also, it’s pretty common to get a server so laggy for no reason that you lag out and leave the server and can’t get back in. Thank you for taking the time to read this, have a nice day!



Klei please fix I just don’t wanna die to bees as Walter because Woby can’t move and I’m stuck surrounded by killer bees.

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I'm not sure if the console version has it, but I always recommend turning off movement prediction in the in-game options.

This has the advantage of allowing you to see where the server sees you at and see when the server tick rate starts deteriorating, but you will feel the latency of all of your inputs by the round trip time.  I feel that it's better this way because with it on the client effectively lies where you're at on the world to hide latency and the lag compensation used does not handle server hiccups well at all.

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