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High Capacity Gas Reservoir

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Catalytics Research enables the construction of Large Gas Cargo Canisters but is should also enable the construction of another (new) building I dub the High Capacity Gas Reservoir which would be similar to the original Gas Reservoir (possibly even the same size) except it would have a higher gas storage capacity per tile and cost refined metal rather than metal ore to build as well as needing more research that the cheap Gas Reservoir.

It could even have a low constant power requirement and if it loses power it slowly leaks it's contents into its immediate environment until it is half-full or some arbitrary threshold or even completely empty.

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15 hours ago, tuxii said:

It could even have a low constant power requirement and if it loses power it slowly leaks it's contents into its immediate environment until it is half-full or some arbitrary threshold or even completely empty.

Please not this. The "free" versions of such reservoirs are available without using power only through game mechanics. And rows and rows of Gas Reservoirs (without using the game mechanics) just clog up the base. So it would be good to tidy it up through conventional buildings for some additional cost in Research and materials (I'd suggest splitting the price between normal materials and refined metals instead of building it entirely out of refined metals, though) -- but definitely not the power drain! The power supply is precious and should not be wasted (see how players try to avoid paying extra watts, saving even tens of these!). If that's not taken into consideration, then players will just continue to use the strange designs using the game mechanics instead of these buildings. 

Yes, the clever usage of game mechanics should definitely be rewarded. But the game should offer an alternative, which is not worse by thousands of times and cost power in addition to that. So if the High Capacity Gas Reservoirs would cost, say, 2 tons of ore and 1 ton of refined metal, but keep 10 tons of gas -- that would definitely be appropriate. But if it would consume even 150 watts, then we're better off using other methods of gas storage. 

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