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Twins of Terror Move Concepts

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Hello everyone, today I have a little Paint3D project I would like to share with everyone.

So far I love everything about this crossover, the skins, the Eye of Terror, the loot, you name it. However, one thing keeps bugging me about the twins fight and its that they just seem like two Eyes of Terror with a reskin, more health, more damage, and different loot. In the actual Terraria game one can breath fire and one shoots lasers, and I feel like implementing these two attacks into their fight would make them a lot cooler, even if its just two small moves. I have it so that one move is only performed during the first phase and the other during the second. This way no matter what phase throughout the fight you currently are in you will always have to deal with one of those moves. I apologize if the coloring is wrong for them, and if the red one shoots lasers and the blue one breathes fire just let me know because I haven't played Terraria in a long time.


What do you guys think? A change like this could go a long way into making a cooler fight that is a lot different from the Eye of Terror.

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