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flowers in DST

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so I'm just your average impressionable teen, I see something fun, or interesting and then I want to mimic it or learn about it. is it a good thing? well not really but I'm stupid so I still have the habit

and one thing I've grown an interest in is flowers mainly because of the character Basil from Omori so why not add flowers into DST?

flowers are diverse, unique little things with their own meanings and symbolisms so I personally don't see why it would be a problem if you can make some flowers that have special properties based of their meanings 

for example a lily of the valley would be pretty neat, it could decrease the chances of shadow creatures spawning as the flower is said to ward off evil and it could give you a slight sanity boost as it's said to help people see a brighter future and as a bonus eating it could almost kill you as the flower is very poisonous

or a gladiolus. the flower would give you a slight damage boost within a very small radius as the gladiolus symbolizes strength and victory 

and in the end, they don't have to be cool with unique properties. I wouldn't mind if they just added potted flowers for aesthetic purposes 

anyways if you disagree, be sure to berate me on why you think my suggestion is stupid and why my balancing is terrible 

ok, have a good day

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1 hour ago, Dr.Medic said:

petals it are all petals and it will always will be petals no matter the flower all flower have petals and garland are 12 random petals

thank you for this info 

I now know that flowers have petals 

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On 8/22/2021 at 5:46 PM, viberr said:

anyways if you disagree, be sure to berate me on why you think my suggestion is stupid and why my balancing is terrible

I'd love to, but I am kinda swamped at the moment.

Does Saturday, August 28th, at around 4:00 PM EEST work for you?

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