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No oil on asteroid, should I restart?

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I'm relatively new to oni and somewhat know the importance of oil during gameplay. However, I'm currently stuck as there are no oil wells/geysers or any laying on the floor. Hopefully a fresh pair of eyes can help with my conundrum. If not, and there truly is no oil, is it still possible to reach an endgame and make it through all of the new spaced out content?

This is the seedSNDST-C-1793021917-1M3

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6 hours ago, Fronoid said:

This is the seedSNDST-C-1793021917-1M3

That is a Spaced Out starting cluster.

There are two kinds of cluster starts in Spaced Out. The Spaced Out (SO) and the Classic one.

SO has oil in the "teleporter" asteroid (can be reached either by rocket or the teleporter POI and is connected though teleporters to the starting asteroid) while Classic has oil wells at the bottom of the starting asteroid like the base game has.

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It's also completely possible to reach the "teleporter" asteroid without oil, and I'd recommend inspecting the teleporters and reading the logs you find before deciding if you want to use them for dupe travel.

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