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Why is this dupe not moving?

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Sometimes when a rocket lands or a module is moved/removed the access to the spacefarer is lost and dupes get stuck. I think moving the spacefarer module up or down (not deconstructing it) solves it. 

But your dupe seems able to navigate inside the colony. If it is not so, a save file would help me understand what is happening (unless the problem resolves on load)

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9 minutes ago, omlk said:

I have had cases where the dupe got 100% stressed and ran to the rocket to break, and then just stood next to it. The rocket did not fly anywhere at all.

There is also a very specific path that traps dupes, when some ladders are built to the side of the rocket and they can path in but not out. I had it some times when playing but I was not able to reproduce it otherwise

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