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Sortable Schedule Blocks

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Now that we've got multiple asteroids I find myself setting up different schedule blocks for various planetoids, and would like to be able to resort them. A drag-and-drop way to move them would be ideal, but a button to sort by name would work too. Currently, if my list includes Smellilios 1, Smellilios 2, and Zapano 1 and I add a Smellilios 3 it stays at the bottom making it harder and harder to keep track of schedules over time as I colonize other planetoids.

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why would you have different schedules for different asteroids if all asteroids have the same day time?

I do understand you may make adjustments when you moves dupes around with different traits but then again it should not change much the specific asteroid schedule.

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3 hours ago, KonfigSys said:

why would you have different schedules for different asteroids if all asteroids have the same day time?

Different asteroids provide different morale for the dupes. Can`t support a wind tunnel on all of them, at least for a while, so dupes on different ones might need different amount of downtime.

I`d just add the planetoid name to each schedule to keep track of them.

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I see. When I colonize an asteroid I move dups to a lazy schedule on this one as they have low morale. Once all needed infrastructure is built I move them back to the main schedule (which has three shifts to work 24 hours).

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I considered schedules for each planet, but realized there is no real benefit if I'm having to duplicate schedules.  I use a 3-shift workforce as well, so dupes grouped together without reference to their particular planetoid become difficult to balance as they get moved around.

What I would like to see is for the devs to add a per planetoid breakdown within each schedule, as was done to Vitals, etc., which can be expanded/collapsed, and only those planetoids with dupes are listed.  Alternatively, they could add a planetoid icon beside the dupes name, similar to the Early Bird and Night Owl icons, where they are currently stationed...but this is more a quick fix than an at-a-glance solution.


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