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Add a late game way to move Wormholes

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I've thought about how this would work and I've come up with a solution via an item called "Worm Bait".

You throw the bait into one end of a wormhole and that will cause both ends to close as it is "eating" (to prevent anyone from entering). The end that got the bait would then retreat into the ground (it will spit someone out before retreating if someone entered when it closed).

You place another bait where you want the Wormhole to resurface.  No other Wormholes can be fed during the time it retreats. I believe the game could check if everything is good to go while it is closed to avoid shenanigans before retreating such as feeding two different wormholes at once (in which case they will both spit out the bait).

Maybe it could be a Celestial Champion loot. 

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7 minutes ago, gaymime said:

wait, i thought you could use the telelocator to move a wormhole? am i mistaken?

No, telelocator can't be used to move a wormhole.

There is a mod that makes wormholes telelocatable, you might be confusing it with that.

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Could also just move the closest wormhole to you.

Like place your bait on the ground and activate it, then the closets wormhole will appear underneath the bait and eat it.

Being able to move around like this is important if you make alot of large scale bases around the map.

Also it can't be too late game otherwise you'll get it after you've done basically everything else you wanted.

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54 minutes ago, VampireMonkey said:

Could also just move the closest wormhole to you.

There might be issues if you want all of your wormholes next to each other near your base. 


Being able to move around like this is important if you make alot of large scale bases around the map.

I like little pit stops around the map, haha. 


Also it can't be too late game otherwise you'll get it after you've done basically everything else you wanted.

Some may claim that makes the early game too easy since biome placement rng is part of the difficulty. 

If not the celestial champion, maybe Crab king since his rewards are mediocre still. Well I like it as late game because even at 1000 days I still like playing with events (I dont mega base).

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