Is there going to be personal story for certain NPCs?

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I just noticed that the "story" column for each NPC in the compendium was removed.

As far as I know, none of the NPC personal story was implemented in previous updates. Is this feature removed entirely? or is it incorporated into other features or moved to other UI page? Thanks!

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From the code, it seems that the part that displays the lore tab is commented out. I'm not sure it's for testing purpose or they just don't want to put it there anymore. Either way, it's still technically in the game's code.

Speaking of for testing purpose, is the "aggressive" card supposed to be given to the player if they attack someone? The logic for giving that card is still there, however the function Scenario:IsAggressive always returns false, with some commented out logic. For reference, here's the logic that is supposed to determine whether "aggressive" should be incepted.

This is the code:

function Scenario:IsAggressive()
    return false
    -- local primary_enemy = self:GetPrimary(TEAM.RED)
    -- if primary_enemy and primary_enemy:IsSentient() and not CheckBits( self.flags, BATTLE_FLAGS.ISOLATED ) and not CheckBits( self.flags, BATTLE_FLAGS.SELF_DEFENCE ) then
    --     return true
    -- end

As you can see, it's supposed to check if the primary fighter is sentient, the battle is not isolated, and the battle is not self defense. It's commented out and just return false instead.

(Also the classic "if condition return true else return false", but the "else return false" part isn't even there)

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I remember back before Rook was added (I know that the card was the first reveal of fellemo), they gave the aggressive card if you started the fight, which was way too broad since it basically meant every time you chose to fight instead of negotiate (and even some times where you were forced into the fight) the game would give you the aggressive card for your negotiation deck. i'd guess the devs just commented the code out with the intent of leaving it for later use.

13 hours ago, johnruby said:

I just noticed that the "story" column for each NPC in the compendium was removed.

As far as I know, none of the NPC personal story was implemented in previous updates. Is this feature removed entirely? or is it incorporated into other features or moved to other UI page? Thanks!

as for this, I think it's just because the devs didn't want to leave loose ends like that in a full release version so they pulled it temporarily and might add it back as a feature for post-full release griftlands

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