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Better oxygen physics

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I would like to see a better physics, specially on gases, like pV=nRT stuff.

The first result of this equation is: Hot air goes up, cold air goes down.

The second result is: Explosions, I would say that nuclear energy without explosion is not really fun. An explosion is when a gas heats a lot and try to expand breaking the walls of things.

And so on, a lot of interesting and realistic things emerge from this equation, it's like gases behave, not this -> pressure=mass thing.


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I would say that they could use the mechanics they have with some minor modifications.

Some gases go up (hydrogen) and others go down (CO2), this parameter could be updated using the temperature periodically (long periods, errors here would not change a lot).

The pressure is the same, you would need to see the consumption and production of facilities, though.

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The main problem is that we don`t have the pressure part of the equation so it`s hard to do. Still hot gasses move up, convection is a part of the game but they are weaker than gas mass difference so hot oxygen won`t rise above cold hydrogen.

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Awesome, so this is more feasible than I thought. The more realistic view is that this numbers are not weaker than the molar mass difference.

Don't have the pressure part of the equation, why?


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5 hours ago, Vultor said:

Don't have the pressure part of the equation, why?

Beacause it`s not needed for the most part. The game does a pseudo pressure calculation based on mass per tile. It doesn`t really change much until you go deep into physics and start calculating how phase transition temperatures change based on pressure.

Most apparent difference between real physics and the no pressure simulation comes when you start using electrolizers. Due to mass based calculation you get 1 tile of hydrogen per 8 tiles of oxygen. If it was realistic you`d get 2 tiles of hydrogen per one tile of oxygen.

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About the electrolyzer, is correct, H2O is 8 oxygen to 1 hydrogen in mass (16 mass to 2 x 2 mass).

About phase transition you're right, we would finally nerf hydro seal (liquids usually boil when they see vaccum). But it seems hard to code, so, I will let this for another day.

The first thing that emerge from a more realistic pressure is that volcano tame, sour gas factory, nuclear energy and so on would be more dangerous. If, for a mistake, something heats more than it should, the pressure would go up and your tiles would start to break.


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12 hours ago, Vultor said:

About the electrolyzer, is correct, H2O is 8 oxygen to 1 hydrogen in mass (16 mass to 2 x 2 mass).

It`s corret masswise, but not pressure wise. The equation you wrote in your opening post pV = nRT has no mass in it only n as the amount of atoms. With the temperature and pressure being the same and R being a constant it means that hydrogen should take twie the space oxygen does due to double the number of atoms despite it being much lower in mass.

12 hours ago, Vultor said:

About phase transition you're right, we would finally nerf hydro seal (liquids usually boil when they see vaccum). But it seems hard to code, so, I will let this for another day.

Actually with proper pressure hydro seals or liquid locks like some call them would get sucked into the side with lower pressure before evaporating which would create even more havoc.

12 hours ago, Vultor said:

The first thing that emerge from a more realistic pressure is that volcano tame, sour gas factory, nuclear energy and so on would be more dangerous. If, for a mistake, something heats more than it should, the pressure would go up and your tiles would start to break.

One reason not to do it is saying that the game is already hard enough. Not to mention that realisitc pressure would be the end of infinite liquid and gas storage as well. I think changing it at this point would be too much but maybe if they make ONI 2 they could consider realistic pressure shenanigans.

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Yes, totally agree with this liquid movement, it would nerf completely, but seems hard to code.

Infinite liquid and gas storage are not really important, I was always afraid of pressure, when I discovered this hack I already didn't need it anymore.

About pV=nRT you are correct, the game that does this wrong. They just put mass=pressure and it's it.


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