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New base at cycle 140 when rad update hit.

My dupes are throwing up all over the base from "mostly safe" radiation coming down the main ladder, below insulated tiles.

This is on the terra starting astro I haven't even made it to another astro yet, let alone gone near the radioactive stuff.

This seems to be out of balance if your starting base you can't even dig near spaced without all your dupes getting sick. 

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Yes, it seems there are some material effects missing right now, the inverse square law should also be in effect as soon as a rad-beam passes through any substance, as nothing is truly transparent to generic radiation - there's always a material degradation occurring under constant exposure, it's just very subtle in materials that absorb neutrons such as DU and Pb. Gamma blocking is done through the thickness of the material, and EM radiation is done through the design of the material ( though solids or mesh, is entirely subjective to frequencies and other oddities that are otherwise off topic ).

As another note, sufficiently high energy particles should pass through genetic ooze without harming it, such as neutrinos - it's s chance strike to stop inside genetic ooze, while muons( leptons ) are what we would expect as the source of surface and material radiation.

But, yeah, it kind of looks like an agonizing cycle or two until they get the materials set up for the radiation blocking.

I expect the HEP category to be something that I can shoot around the base and not kill anything with it - so there really should be two types of radiation in the radiation system ( high and low energy, with low having prominence for sickness due to volume ( rads ), and high bein less frequent and more directional ( cosmic ray levels penetrating deep into the asteroid but otherwise random in destination ).

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I assume Pb will help, but this is a new base, I don't have lead yet, and all the rad levels say mostly safe, I see how it drops through the layers at the top,

Having dupes puke all over in the early game when you don't have access to the materials to protect them is not a healthy state of the game, and should have been caught earlier in the alpha testing.


I hope the adjust it quickly, as it made the game mostly unplayable with my 9 dupes sick and nothing I can do to lower the rad level.  I tried multiple layers is obsidian insulated tiles and bunker tiles and they did almost nothing. 

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I think being on the test branch is to be in the alpha branch with the regular DLC content being refined for the three week release cycle. So, this is the feedback portion, I think.

Meanwhile, I haven't tried to play through anything just yet since I took a break from it conveniently.

I do have an early game base with no rockets built but I have been scanning space from the teleport planet since it's just easier to get to space and has plenty of dirt and water for remote research.

If you are the same tartarus plays from YouTube, I enjoy the channel, @Tartarus Plays.

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