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Detect when on a boat?

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Thanks!  I wrote:

print("Current Platform: ", inst:GetCurrentPlatform() )  --Test code

and was able to test the code.  Most of the time it says "nil" but when I got onto a boat it said "118442 - boat".  Any idea if it will always say that, or how to test exclusively for "boat"?  I'm worried that every boat will have it's own code, which may may this a little tougher.  Then again, if I check the water level of the tile under the player, and you're not on "nil", you're almost Certainly going to be on a boat!  This could work!  Thanks!  ^-^

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1 minute ago, FurryEskimo said:

I'm worried that every boat will have it's own code

I don't know what you mean by this.

1 minute ago, FurryEskimo said:

Any idea if it will always say that, or how to test exclusively for "boat"?

if inst:GetCurrentPlatform() and inst:GetCurrentPlatform().prefab == "boat" then
  -- ok

Not really recommended to only care about prefabs named "boat" though, since other mods have their own ocean/boating prefabs.

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I know other people have likely added their own platforms, so I integrated it like this:

if tileinfo.ocean_depth ~= nil and inst:GetCurrentPlatform() == nil then

I've already gathered info about the tile under the player, so if there's water and no platform, I'm going to assume the player is swimming and assign a speed penalty.  If it conflicts with another mod, I'll look for a way to fix it, but I thinkkkk this will be ok.  :)

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1 hour ago, FurryEskimo said:

I know other people have likely added their own platforms, so I integrated it like this:

if tileinfo.ocean_depth ~= nil and inst:GetCurrentPlatform() == nil then

I've already gathered info about the tile under the player, so if there's water and no platform, I'm going to assume the player is swimming and assign a speed penalty.  If it conflicts with another mod, I'll look for a way to fix it, but I thinkkkk this will be ok.  :)

Aye, this is the better way to do it- a platform of not nil means that the player is on a platform and that it is walkable.

The code for GetCurrentPlatform as specified in entityscript.lua:

function EntityScript:GetCurrentPlatform()
    local x, y, z = self.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
    local platform = TheWorld.Map:GetPlatformAtPoint(x, z)

    if platform ~= nil and platform.components.walkableplatform:CanBeWalkedOn() then
        return platform
    return nil


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Haha, well aren't you just the regular miracle worker?
Currently my code is written in such a way that a check for being in the water and not on a boat is performed first, which your input shows is accurate.  If I were to re-arrange it, I'd be checking for being on land or on a walkable platform, but I'm not sure I see the benefit of reversing these conditions.  I'm checking a rare condition first which I expect to immediately fail, and the regular speed calculation takes places.  Checking to make sure I'm on land or on a boat seems, sort of the same as what I have now, right?

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