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What's the best way to provide feedback to the developers?

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Do the developers care about our opinions or suggestions? I know Spaced Out is still in very early access but I feel there's a lot of things that could be tweaked balance wise. It would be awesome if more discussion could be had that the devs might act on if they end up reading it.

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Depending on what's going on at the time, a significant portion of each team reads through the forums regularly. From that, they work out bugs and issues in the game and generally use that to gauge whether the experience is what they are aiming for. When it comes to suggestions, we take feedback and sort of judge it all together to try and best figure out how to adapt and go forward. 

We don't always post a great deal because we feel our time is best spent working on the game. But I can tell you that every team puts forth a significant amount of effort processing player feedback.

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