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A way to disable rollbacks ?

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I remember some time ago there was a setting you could write in cluster.ini to permanently disable rollbacks for servers hosted from the game's menu..

Now that method doesn't work anymore, since the game automatically rewrites cluster.ini every time the game server is launched, is there any other way to disable rollbacks ? or could we get a button for that in the host server settings screen ? or maybe a "hardcore" mode that completely disables rollbacks and console for that server ?

I want to disable rollbacks for my world, because i can not resist the urge to cheat when i die.. 



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I roll my worlds back all the time especially when I’m trying to learn new things like best methods of engaging with each update- if you don’t rely entirely upon Wikipages you gotta experiment to learn things in the game, and dying is just gonna happen.

(try fighting a Saladmander or Several Cookie Cutters with a Spear) 

Having said that: My worlds usually don’t last past day 500 before I grow bored & delete them for a brand new generated one and also probably a new character to play as in the process.

Hardcore difficulty mode would probably Auto-Disable rollbacks, but you will have no defense against grieving trolls if that happened.. the feature is there for a reason-

Just like the Rescue Me Button in State of Decay 2 that will reposition you and your stuck vehicle back onto a road again- This feature is here to combat against other malicious players who will join your game and attempt to sabotage your experience.

The Rollback function in DST gets abused a lot for other reasons beyond anti-grieving just as I am sure that the Rescue Me in SoD 2 does as well but- You can’t make a game Multiplayer without having to sacrifice a few features that makes grieving less likely.

Even GTA V single Player and Online have several anti grieving measures in place (yeah a game all about grieving..) But you can’t Windshield canon players out the car, lose car tires or hit the ground wrong in a vehicle and explode your car like you can in Story Mode.

All of this sacrifices Realism & difficulty in favor of a few Anti-Grief measures.

Personally I use rollbacks in Dont Starve Together a lot because my worlds have about a 500 day lifespan then I delete them anyway.. and it’s a great way to learn stuff about the game without losing all your progress.. but if you don’t want to use them I guess your just going to have to resist your urges to want to use them- because disabling them would be even more Chaotic then my worlds I host labeled as

Mad Unpredictable Chaos.

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I play solo, i don't care about griefers.. i just miss the old DS feeling where you were punished for making mistakes or dying.. having a button that undo any mistakes feels "cheaty"

I don't get the incentive to be against an option to turn off rollbacks, like, how does that affect you ? you can keep them on if you want to, and people who want a more genuine and challenging experience can turn them off.. 

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i too missed the feeling of permadeath...and then i went back to play hamlet and decided after like 4 worlds lost to dumb stuff like coconut head or being camped at ruins door that perhaps it is for the best that one doesnt get cheated out of continuing worlds because of beyond frustrating tiny mistakes...

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