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Comparative analysis of power gen

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Has anyone done some comparison for dupes with high athletics and machinery, etc... v say a coal generator? Can a dupe out-perform machinery as they improve in skills? Is it possible to have a, 'dupe-troop', a small cadre of power wheelers, that can out-perform a power block. Maybe a standard steam turbine build. To see what charges a battery stack quicker? Is it better to provide a dupe with the needs of sustenance, where they don't need to move more than a few tiles for any one need. Versus the needs of maintaining power block builds.

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this guy in lit workspace vs that brand new coal power plant, go! :)

I wanna test the theory

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Not sure if this helps you :confused: ...Let me tell you how I use bikes.

In all my colonies I had 40-100 bikes hooked up to a dozen of life systems ( aircon, food, refining and such ), being fully independent of power-coming-from-elsewhere. Each bike gave 400 watts in the vanilla game.

As soon power drops out from the colonies main production units, like steam/solar/coal or whatever, the dupes started to use all the bikes. Its often 2-6 bikes in a dedicated circuit, standing at the various machinery sections.

Before dlc I used to have the 50K wires as main power lines ( arranged in to dedicated 2x or 3x or 4x 50K circuits ), using the thick cable makes it easy to analyze power direction flow and faults and to see where the colonies blood life lines go to.

Power generation with a blown up atomic reactor and radioactive fallout, as perhaps big possible emergency, will make clever power cabling even more interesting...At least for me. :p

So bikes had always been the foundation of everything with my colonies. They are also great to boot-up a circuit system, a 20k power block of bikes. Without "boot bikes" its game over for my way to big colony systems. Without the boot bikes I had several colonies dying, I couldn`t get circuits back to life - To much power surge from machinery at once. I normally also put gigatons of steel batteries in to a big steam room, from inside the steam room silo(s) I launch rockets for steam power production and +water.

I`m so hoping that Klei someday gives us fire, it could melt the cables away.

I cant tell what I would change nowadays as alternative to bikes as core colony backup, as I have no alpha access.

4 hours ago, Slvrsrfr said:

Has anyone done some comparison for dupes with high athletics and machinery, etc... v say a coal generator? Can a dupe out-perform machinery as they improve in skills? Is it possible to have a small cadre of power wheelers, that can out-perform a power block. Maybe a standard steam turbine build. To see what charges a battery stack quicker? Is it better to provide a dupe with the needs of sustenance, where they don't need to move more than a few tiles for any one need. Versus the needs of maintaining power block builds.


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