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Logic Circuit Overloaded?

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Has anyone ever had this error? I can't find it mentioned anywhere on the internet, so I'm kinda amazed I found it.

This is what I did (nothing incorrect I think):

- Replace a single automation wire with an automation ribbon by building straight over the top of it

- Add a reader and writer for bit 1 to/from the single signal's original destination (saw no problem at this point, signal moves as you would expect from single wire, through bit 1 and out a single wire)

- Add a reader and writer for bit 2 and connect those up to the original source/destination

Now suddenly I have single automation wires burning out and a notification saying Logic Circuit Overloaded. One of the single automation wires reading from the ribbon was splitting off and leading to 2 liquid shutoff valves via a bridge, and the bridge was burning out so I thought maybe for some illogical reason I couldn't connect a single signal to 2 devices, but nope that wasn't it. I deconstruct the overloading automation bridge then the other bit starts overloading, which was just leading to an or gate and perfectly working circuit prior to installing the ribbon cable stuff.

I can't hardly begin to understand why this is happening. I started finally using mods, so I thought maybe one of the power mods somehow interacted with the automation systems, but nope it doesn't seem so..

Li'l help pls? XD


lol nothin like a bit of self reply! :)

so right after writing this topic I used the Pliers mod/tool to sever all the connections then re-attach them with the build menu, and the overloads stopped.

I think there's a bug with overwriting a single automation wire with a ribbon cable- I didn't do anything else potentially of consequence unless it matters which order you build/configure readers/writers on a ribbon cable.

cheers! <3

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Thx yeah I think when I built directly over the single wire with a ribbon there might have been a tail of single wire left attached which looped back from the ribbon reader on the end of the ribbon to itself..

If it's not possible to ever utilise a single automation wire connected directly to an automation ribbon, why would it leave it like that when I build a ribbon over the top of a single wire? The single wire's connection should be severed by the ribbon build I think since there's no valid joint there anymore. There was no way to tell there was a wiring problem visually, and the faulty wiring joint in question didn't give itself away- things just randomly broke. It would be much better to at least heat up the specific piece of wire that is the problem or something, so we can tell what is going on.

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I agree, the game should prevent you from crossing them.  I would also love to see them prevent connecting a normal wire and a heavi wire as that will also cause major problems.  At least you can find where you accidentally did that though.  

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