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Insulation Melter Heat Discrepancy

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I've built an insulation melter which heats a tungsten bath to melt temp shift plates made out of insulation, if the pool goes below 4150C it just runs the liquid tungsten through a metal refinery. It's not the standard pipe one but it lets me go afk for much longer between batches. I was looking into the heat math and found that I'm melting insulation with way less heat than I should be. Liquid tungsten has a SHC of .134, a metal refinery steel operation heats 400kg of liquid tungsten by 1745.6C. Insulation has a SHC of 5.57, way higher than tungsten, and an insulation temp shift plate has 800kg of insulation that needs to be heated from 40C to 3621.9C. Heat produced by refining 100kg of steel is (400kg)*(.134DTU/gC)*(1745.6C) = 93.6MDTU. The temp shift plate needs (800kg)*(5.57DTU/gC)*(3621.9C-40C) = 15961MDTU in order to melt into tungsten. Dividing these two numbers I get 170.6 refinery operations to melt the temp shift plate. I've melted something like 60T of insulation in my playthrough so far and I have nowhere near 1000T of steel refined so I've conducted a bit of an experiment, I let my insulation melter sit for 100 cycles and no temperature change occurred so there's no outside thermal interference and the steel metal refinery never triggered as expected. I then put 1 insulation temp shift plate into the melter and it looks like 30 refinery operations are needed to melt the temp shift plate. It's also notable that the thermal capacity of the 90T pool of tungsten isn't too big compared to the heat being dealt with so it can't be the pool starting at a slightly higher temperature that melts the plate. This is a massive discrepancy and I was wondering if there's some kind of bug or if I overlooked something in my math. 

Screenshot 2020-10-24 100139.png

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2 hours ago, TheMule said:

1/5 of that, for shiftplates are buildings

Do pipes also count for that? Do you have to run the same number of refinery operations for melting 8 pipes and for melting 1 temp shift plate? 

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4 hours ago, TheMule said:

Pipes are not buildings. 

Neither are TSPs (though background building, which is on a different layer).

11 hours ago, Niko_ said:

Do pipes also count for that? Do you have to run the same number of refinery operations for melting 8 pipes and for melting 1 temp shift plate? 

Pipes have 1/5 thermal capacity as well, so yes, 8 pipes need the same number of refinery runs as a TSP to melt.

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There used to be a bug when dropping liquid into a pool of liquid that would change the whole column of liquid to instantly jump to the temperature of the top tile. Or at least something to that effect. It’s what made self cooling aquatuners possible. Maybe you are experiencing a similar bug 

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