Cursed Griftlands Image Thread

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I see there's a fanart thread, and there's a meme thread. I didn't see a cursed image thread, so I created one.

Cursed images are technically memes, but it is a distinct "genre" of memes. They are images that are so wrong that it has to be cursed. It can either be directly created in-game, or edited.

Here's a few examples:


This is a new image of PC Shel in Sal's outfit, and it just looks slightly wrong.

Unlike the image of Rook in Sal's outfit, which is blatantly wrong.


Here's some old images:


Headless Snack in Japanese.


Debating with the Grout Monster.


The existence of this image.

That's enough nightmare fuel to make a dark sword. I think we're done for the day.

Yes I do have to look up how many nightmare fuels are required to make a dark sword, don't judge me.

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