Oolo's final day auction quest

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In Sal's campaign, Oolo gives you a random guard quest on the day of the auction. One of these quests has a character that likes/loves you try to get into the auction and you're given 3 options: argue with a fellow admiralty guard to let em through, fight the admiralty guard, and tell your friend that you can't let em in.

Now, I know that the 3rd option, not letting em in, results in that character hating you and Oolo giving you the requisition thingy. What I'm wondering about is why the 1st option, convince the guard to let em through, results in Oolo not giving you a free auction item. She doesn't say anything disparaging after, and letting your friend in prevents any kind of drama from occurring during your guard duty stint. What's up with that?

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I still don't know why this is a thing. I suppose it goes with general themes of two factions - with Admiralty been loyal to the regime and with Spree being loyal to the people. This is the case, because in my high tier prestige runs I always go for Spree - their missions are generally easier and more profitable not just in terms of shills, but also in terms of friends. Oolo ambush mission is much more profitable, because not only you get charged disc and Nadan's help with guarantee, unlike in Admiralty timeline, where you got to basically choose between blades and Oloo's help, you get 300 shills from Foolo for a free rare graft, if still don't have one, and you also get a Nadan's help and a free item from auction of choice without loosing a friend, all at the same time! Plus, I personally find Spree cards to be much more powerful than Admiralty, because they play a big role in final battle. In Admiralty timeline you just get Oolo's gift from auction as a reward for being a loyal dog, I suppose? And you need to keep Nadan alive, which can be the case if you running a bleed build or you got a lot of hate from Spree members. I wish guys from development do something about it, because as it stands right now, Admiralty is clearly underpowered. 

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