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Implementing a world's seed into a fresh world

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So, I saw in the topic "screenshot showcase" by disies that you can get a world's seed by typing " print(TheWorld.meta.seed) " into the console [That reply was written by Hornet] . I tried it and it worked. Now my question is... How do I implement that seed into a world that I want to play in? Thanks ! :D

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26 minutes ago, strawberryjuice said:

"print(TheWorld.meta.seed) " into the console [That reply was written by Hornet] .


Look There I am Gary! There I am!

So, theres "two" ways you could use a seed.


You can either go into the files manually and go to the worldgen_main lua file in the databundles/scripts folder, you'll see a seed variable there, something like


you can set it to the seed you want and all your worlds will generate as that seed! You can change it back when you generate your world.


Or, for a more user friendly approach you can get the Gemcore API mod, and you'll be able to put the seed in an option in the Forest world and Cave world tabs.

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