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Not enough regolith (steel only)

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Here's a build using only steel that collects and mines stacks of regolith up to 7 tiles high with 100% coverage. Idk what you're planning to use this much regolith for, but here it is:



By lowering down the bunker doors you can get more regolith. With the normal setup that sets the doors up right against the world barrier regolith can only stack up 2 tiles high, which means successive rock meteorite strikes in the same location are wasted. Steel based set ups require active cooling which complicates collection. By protecting the coolant beads with mechanized airlocks instead of airflow tiles you can open the doors and let the items drop down into range of the autosweepers after the robo-miners clear it. Regolith can briefly heat the door that serves as the base of the robo-miner, but this is slow. Don't use tempshift plates behind the liquid beads and it should be fine.


112751002_notenoughregolithcoolantbead.thumb.png.20043bb4432fcc336e994856d4883df7.png  ->  1029877763_notenoughregolithcoolantbead2.thumb.png.4f5994f43e46055ebf41498ddd2175bc.png


This somewhat complicates the space scanner's situation, since the doors close and interrupt the scanner. If the bunker doors get a false all-clear signal they can start opening back up just in time for meteors to come through. Some automation fixes this:


The buffer leading into the filter delays the signal to close the doors, getting an extra ~28 seconds of solar up time, since my scan network can detect meteors 67 seconds out, which is sooner than my doors need to close. I actually use 26 seconds just for some leeway before that first meteor hits. That signal leads into a pulse former at the signal counter, locking in at the S/R memory latch. The memory gate is necessary because the doors close over the scanner and mess it up, resulting in false signals. The filter leading into the NOT gate down below is to detect when the meteor shower is over, the shortest meteor shower possible is 50 seconds so the filter is set to 49 seconds. That way the all clear signal doesn't get sent until the meteor shower has come and gone. The pulse former resets the memory gate and the doors start to open. I think some of this might be redundant, but it works well so I'm not going to mess with it.


The green signal for the blast doors also leads into the small doors, but gets delayed by 230 seconds. This gives the robo-miners (hopefully) enough time to clear all the regolith. I actually think the delay might not be long enough. I know if I close the doors and hold them closed manually to let the regolith pile up they can't handle the sudden workload when I open it again, so hypothetically if enough rock meteors hit in the same section a robo-miner might not clear it all. In this situation it will fall down onto the liquid coolant beads and displace them into space. Copper season gets a little stressful. If I were to rebuild this I might raise it up 2-3 tiles so regolith can't pile up quite so much. You can also fit the robo-miners 1 tile closer together and still maintain coverage, so more tightly packed robo-miners would mean less work for each individual segment.



The autosweepers are daisy-chained using storage bins that lead into a dispenser. A priority chain like this can cover more than half the width of the map if you put a dispenser in the middle, the dispenser will always take priority since it's a "supply" job. I didn't want to use rail loaders since they mess with space scanners. You need two autosweepers per segment and that top one is solely to cover the airflow tile that the liquid bead for the miner rests on. I trigger the auto-sweepers at the same time as the doors so they're never on at the same time as the miners.


The regolith drops down into this successive step cooler. I'm not going to explain this super in depth, I don't entirely understand it and it's largely experimental. Basically the hot stuff falls onto the top level of steam turbines and drops down after it cools enough, eventually falling into a pool for loading onto conveyor rails. The output on the turbines is a little backwards right now in this picture just because I started it up with a ton of material which is at the bottom now, a typical distribution should show higher output on the top level and lower output on the bottom.


Idk what to do with it or why you want so much but that's how it's done


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That is a very nice setup! Thank you! Just a question: considering the hassle of setting up the liquids and the cooling loop, wouldn't it be better to just vent like 10kg of oxygen into every miner per day? If there is a mess up with the bunker doors, you risk on having to remake a lot of the double layer liquids

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