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(Mod Request Suggestion) Recipe and functions

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 Is it possible to create a mod that when hovering over the item, material or equipment shows all the things you can create with it? the recipe, would help a lot of beginners with information.
or an option that shows when you choose.

Edited by Auhrer
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Definitely possible. Complexity entirely depends on how many different crafting-systems you want to incorporate. It will require a set of custom UI-widgets and a bunch of code to craft a system that can either hold or retrieve recipes for any object in any of the supported crafting systems. Definitely a bunch of networking, too, since the clients don't know much about anything, but they're the ones having to show the UI-widgets and fill them with data.

Yep. A lot of work.

Edited by Ultroman
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I understand that it would take time and work.
But it would be very good. It is a pity that there is no one willing to do it.

But now I know it's possible, maybe someday somebody will create ^^

Edited by Auhrer
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