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Late game thermal locks

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Hi Klei,

Do you think we can have "advanced" locks in the late game, let's say in the space age? Currently, one can build a liquid or gas lock and a viscogel lock. The first two are quite big, each eats up a 5x4 squares and one needs to always be careful with what's being transported through them and the surrounding pressure and gases. I had multiple cases where I had a petroleum/crude oil liquid lock and my dupes dropped a load of obsidian at 1400 degrees in them flashing the liquid instantly into sour gas. The viscogel is cool but you also have to be careful not to have any liquids spilling up in its vicinity.

Neither do a thermal insulation between whatever you are locking away. You can do a lock-vacuum-lock combo but they will either take too much space (liquid lock) or both gates will be in danger of destruction (viscogel locks).

Also, both types slow down dupes and have a morale impact on dupes unless they wear a suit.


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