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Improved Worldgen Mod (Complete!)


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Hi, everyone!

I know it's been a while, but I finally finished my World Generation mod for Hamlet. What does it do, exactly? Well, I'm just about to tell you! Hamlet Worldgen: Improved is a World Generation mod for Hamlet that fixes the issue of biomes being ripped into several small fragments. Haven't you ever noticed that the individual biomes in Hamlet are a little bit smaller than the ones in RoG? Well, this mod turns these worlds...


Into THESE worlds!


It makes the biome size in Hamlet world MUCH more consistent, and quite a bit larger. As an added bonus, it also increases the world size for ALL world types (RoG and SW included) to 650, which is quite a bit bigger than before. Now, your worlds will seem a lot more like large continents than small islands. It's not perfect yet, but it's a heck of a lot better than the World Generation that Klei gave us. If any of you find any issues with the mod, don't hesitate to tell me. Here it is, so go and get it!


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