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Out of Memory Error. Please help?

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Sorry if any of this sounds stupid, I’m really new to coding and using mods and whatnot.

So, I generated a new world a few days ago. It was a non-dedicated server with caves and mods installed. All went well and I was able to play smoothly with my partner, up until day 55. Upon autosaving into the next day, the game would display the “out of memory” error and shut down. I couldn’t find any explanation in the client_log — the memory load was apparently 30%  

I decided to create a new world without a few mods that I suspected could be causing problems. Like the previous, my partner and I played smoothly until day 53. Again, upon autosaving into the next day, the game shows an “out of memory” error, and I am forced to shut down. 

I remembered reading somewhere that dedicated servers have unlimited memory. So, I set one up. Ran into a couple of issues, but troubleshooted enough to be able to have them fixed. I moved all of my data from the aforementioned world into the dedicated server files and loaded in just fine. Yet again, upon saving into the next day, I get “out of memory”, and am forced to shut down. I’m posting here as a last resort, because I’ve scoured the internet and am unable to find something similar to what I’m dealing with. 


Can someone please help? If I should post this somewhere else, please let me know


Thank you.

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Holy crap, I've never seen anyone run 77 mods on a DST server at the same time yet xD.

I'm kinda suspecting you are hitting the memory limit of DST being a 32bit application and therefore only supporting ~4Gigs of RAM.
The memory load you've seen is the System Memory load, which is 30% of a total of 16Gigs. Furthermore at the end of the log, the memory load was a lot higher:

System Memory:
	Memory Load: 73%
	Available Physical Memory: 4277m/16232m

Since the Error seems to happen around day 50, it's probably related to the amount of items appearing on the map over time as well.

You might be able to prolong the time you can play with that amount of mods for a while by keeping your map clean (for example using a cleaning mod that removes twigs, rot, seeds, and other items that accumulate over time periodicially).
That said, you will probably still run into memory issues in the long run, so I'm afraid you'll have to disable a few mods to be able to play for an extended period of time. (Unless Klei changes the dedicated server from 32bit to 64 bit.)

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On 8/13/2019 at 9:36 AM, Daniel86268 said:

I'm kinda suspecting you are hitting the memory limit of DST being a 32bit application and therefore only supporting ~4Gigs of RAM.

*unconvincing cough*

macOS Catalina, and by extension, first 64bit build of DST, coming this autumn. (Not guaranteed, but I sure hope so...)

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Re: upcoming macOS release - Apple is dropping support for 32bit apps As in, they won't run anymore. At all. This follows after ~18 months with the previous releases, where the OS notified the user when they were launching a 32-bit app for the first time, that these apps would not be supported in the future.

I didn't assume ephemeralglow's game was on a Mac. What I meant was that with the upcoming macOS release, Klei will have to get DST up to 64bit for macOS*, and once they've made that jump, getting 64bit on other platforms should be a much smaller step. Will Klei actually make that extra step without Microsoft forcing them? Hard for me to tell. I'd be surprised if there isn't a Win64 build by this time next year, at least private to devs.

On the topic of sunsetting 32bit x86, several Linux distros have this on the roadmap, so there it also needs to get done in foreseeable future (I bet Klei's official servers run on Linux)

*Well, no one's going to hold Klei at gunpoint, but if they want to keep their Mac users (and keep selling DST to Mac users), they don't have much of a choice.

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