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Did I miss something? Vacuum insulated door setup nerfed?

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Hi all,

I'm back to playing after a long hiatus. I just opened up an iron volcano, and realized that my 3 door insulator doesn't stop heat transfer. It's the type with 3 doors, middle one being on a timer so it opens after a dupe passes through, which used to create a vacuum. Now it seems the frame of the door remains, and it no longer reads 'vacuum' when you hover it. 

Is there something else people are doing now? As long as the steam turbine keeps everything cool enough, I suppose I could use a petroleum liquid lock, but that seems kind of cheese ball.

Thanks :)

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If you click on the (open) door tile more than once it will "cycle" through the cell, and you should find the "vacuum" tile beneath.

Also note.. sometimes these door setups fail to open / close the inner door at the right time as your dupes get faster movespeed, which can result in gasses being left between the 2 outer doors, transferring heat out.

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