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Anyway how to grind for presents?

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Don't Starve Together, right? Just boot up the game every day, you get a daily gift just for checking in. It might take a few days, but probably it won't take too long for you to get the spools you need.

If you're in a hurry, I suppose you could buy some of the cheaper items from the Steam market for a few cents each and unravel those into the spools.

...Is the Snowfallen stuff even weaveable right now? I'd have thought it would been more of a winter thing. But maybe it's weaveable right now, and I just didn't notice. It's winter in the southern hemisphere, so...

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You do get gifts periodically while playing. During events like the Forge and the Gorge, there are chests that would drop that you could open later to get four items at once. Perhaps you accumulated some chests before. Normally you only get gifts one at a time, with a limit per week.

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