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Need help fixing code

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Hello, I need help figuring out why this code isn't working :?.


local function Find_Pig(inst)
	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local pig = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, 10,{"pig"})
	for k, v in pairs(pig) do
		if v then
			print("Pig in range")
			print("Pig not in range")

inst:DoPeriodicTask(1, Find_Pig)


I basically want if pigs are in range to do something for my char and if they aren't do something else, but print("Pig not in range") never triggers only "Pig in range" triggers when I'm near a pig? I don't understand what's wrong, hopefully somebody can help, thanks for your time and help, have a good day/night :D!

Edited by Warbucks
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6 minutes ago, Warbucks said:

Hello, I need help figuring out why this code isn't working :?.

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local function Find_Pig(inst)
	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
	local pig = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, 10,{"pig"})
	for k, v in pairs(pig) do
		if v then
			print("Pig in range")
			print("Pig not in range")

inst:DoPeriodicTask(1, Find_Pig)


I basically want if pigs are in range to do something for my char and if they aren't do something else, but print("Pig not in range") never triggers only "Pig in range" triggers when I'm near a pig? I don't understand what's wrong, hopefully somebody can help, thanks for your time and help, have a good day/night :D!

If you want to know if there is or isn't any pigs in range, then either calculate the size of the return result from your filtered entity scan or check if the first result is not nil.


if #pig > 0
  -- a pig is in range
  -- no pigs in range


if pig[1] ~= nil
  -- a pig is in range
  -- no pigs in range


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You can use FindEntity if you don't need to get all of them.

function FindEntity(inst, radius, fn, musttags, canttags, mustoneoftags)
    if inst ~= nil and inst:IsValid() then
        local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
        --print("FIND", inst, radius, musttags and #musttags or 0, canttags and #canttags or 0, mustoneoftags and #mustoneoftags or 0)
        local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, radius, musttags, canttags, mustoneoftags) -- or we could include a flag to the search?
        for i, v in ipairs(ents) do
            if v ~= inst and v.entity:IsVisible() and (fn == nil or fn(v, inst)) then
                return v

Since it returns the prefab if exist, it could be faster.

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52 minutes ago, YakumoYukari said:

You can use FindEntity if you don't need to get all of them.

function FindEntity(inst, radius, fn, musttags, canttags, mustoneoftags)
    if inst ~= nil and inst:IsValid() then
        local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
        --print("FIND", inst, radius, musttags and #musttags or 0, canttags and #canttags or 0, mustoneoftags and #mustoneoftags or 0)
        local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, radius, musttags, canttags, mustoneoftags) -- or we could include a flag to the search?
        for i, v in ipairs(ents) do
            if v ~= inst and v.entity:IsVisible() and (fn == nil or fn(v, inst)) then
                return v

Since it returns the prefab if exist, it could be faster.

FindEntity calls TheSim:FindEntities, which his code uses, and thus is effectively the same in terms of performance.

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