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Attempt to index upvalue 'tracker'

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Can anyone help me? I'm trying to run this code but for some reason it's not working

I get this error 

[00:01:36]: [string "../mods/Wheeler/scripts/prefabs/wheeler_tra..."]:166: attempt to index upvalue 'tracker' (a nil value)

And this is my function

local function ActivateTracking(inst)
    local owner = inst.components.inventoryitem.owner
	local tracker = inst.components.inventory:GetItemInSlot(1) --I set this
    local function update_item()
        local closer_item = TrackNext(inst, inst.tracked_item.prefab)
        if closer_item ~= inst.tracked_item then
            inst.tracked_item = closer_item

    if inst.tracked_item then

        if not inst.arrow then
            inst.arrow = SpawnPrefab("wheeler_tracker_arrow")
        if inst.arrow_rotation_update == nil then
            inst.arrow_rotation_update = inst:DoPeriodicTask(0, function() 
                if (inst.tracked_item and inst.tracked_item:IsInLimbo()) or not CanGiveLoot(inst.tracked_item, tracker.prefab) then --I use the variable tracker here
                    inst.tracked_item = nil

                if inst.tracked_item == nil or not inst.tracked_item:IsValid() then
                    inst.tracked_item = TrackNext(inst, tracker.prefab ) --And here

        --[[if inst.distance_update == nil then
            inst.distance_update = inst:DoPeriodicTask(5, function() 
                if inst.tracked_item then

        owner.components.talker:Say(GetString(ThePlayer.prefab, "ANNOUNCE_NOTHING_FOUND"))

I'm not sure what to do, here's the entire prefab file if you'd like to look at it

Thank you for reading!



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Hmm, it sounds like an issue with the order of things being called, or that something happens to the item so it is no longer in the slot or something.

If you're completely unsure about how this could happen, save, and then put unique print-statements everywhere. Print which functions and if-statements are entered, what important values are e.g. print("tracker is nil: "..tostring(tracker == nil)). I can almost guarantee you, that something is being called at a time you don't want it to.

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15 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

Hmm, it sounds like an issue with the order of things being called, or that something happens to the item so it is no longer in the slot or something.

If you're completely unsure about how this could happen, save, and then put unique print-statements everywhere. Print which functions and if-statements are entered, what important values are e.g. print("tracker is nil: "..tostring(tracker == nil)). I can almost guarantee you, that something is being called at a time you don't want it to.

Thank you, I will come back to you later if I need more help.

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1 hour ago, Ultroman said:


[00:02:25]: stack traceback:
	../mods/Wheeler/scripts/widgets/specialslot.lua:33 in (method) OnItemGet (Lua) <30-44>
	../mods/Wheeler/scripts/prefabs/wheeler_tracker.lua:200 in (field) fn (Lua) <197-207>
	scripts/scheduler.lua:177 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <155-207>
	scripts/scheduler.lua:371 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <369-377>
	scripts/update.lua:170 in () ? (Lua) <149-228>	

Interesting, I found this. This originates from the specialslotwidget.

I'm not sure if this is part of the problem though? I will keep trying.


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On 5/11/2019 at 8:46 PM, Ultroman said:


Sorry for bothering you again, But could there be other alternatives to writing my code?

if inst.arrow_rotation_update == nil then
                inst.arrow_rotation_update = inst:DoPeriodicTask(0, function() 

                    if inst.tracked_item and (inst.tracked_item:IsInLimbo() or not CanGiveLoot(inst.tracked_item, inst.components.inventory:GetItemInSlot(1).prefab)) then
                        inst.tracked_item = nil

                    if inst.tracked_item == nil or not inst.tracked_item:IsValid() then
                        inst.tracked_item = TrackNext(inst, inst.components.inventory:GetItemInSlot(1).prefab)

Basically, My equippable item has a slot, and the game needs to find out the prefab in the slot. GetItemInSlot clearly isn't working, so i'm wondering if theres possibly another way I could try? Thanks for reading.

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Wait, what? Your item has a slot...on it? In it? I think we need to take two steps back, and you give me the full run-down on what your mod is, which things are in play (character, item, etc.) and exactly what functionality you want, and how you are trying to do it right now. This sounds like a complicated use-case with an issue I can't pin-point without knowing how all of this is tied together. I know it'll probably take some time to write up the details, but I'm thoroughly confused as to what I'm looking at.

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17 hours ago, Ultroman said:


Sorry for not explaining in greater detail, i'm porting Wheeler over from hamlet and i'm attempting to do her Navigadget item, This item has a slot, 1 slot to put items in. Whatever you put in the Navigadget's slot, it will track the closest one in the world and lead you to it. What I need to do here. Is get the name of the prefab IN the slot that the player has put in.

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3 minutes ago, Ultroman said:

Ah, so your prefab has an inventory component on it? And you can open its inventory, which shows you a slot where you can put an item?

Yep, And once you put an item into that slot. A compass like circle will spawn under you pointing to the nearest item depending on whatever you put in the slot.

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I think I see it now. This line in onequip:


For this line, you do not check whether GetItemInSlot(1) returns nil, so if there is no item in the item-slot, then you are passing nil to OnItemGet().

Just after this you check whether GetItemInSlot(1) is nil here:

	    if inst.components.inventory:GetItemInSlot(1) then
    	    inst.tracked_item = TrackNext(inst, inst.components.inventory:GetItemInSlot(1).prefab)


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17 hours ago, Ultroman said:


Thank you for everything, I actually redid the entire prefab because the inventory component just wasn't working that well, buggy and it would delete items when put in. So I used the container component and it works wonders! For anyone else that sees this, I don't see any why'd you use the inventory component instead of the container component. Don't make the same mistake as me!

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