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Imagine this:

You play your base for 10 cycles and the game demands that you rotate base ownership. You get to leave a note for your successor, share your base with the world and a ton of other people, temporary overseers, will play your base for the next 1 cycle or 2.

While you wait, you take other folks save games and play them out. Helping or hindering their design.

A day or two later, you check back in and you have submissions for your base. Other players have made progress on your base. You choose which one you’d like to use and continue from there. Rinse repeat.

Its neat because there is all sorts of ways to make it fun and competitive. Bonuses for temporary overseer chosen from the pack. Plus, it’s a great way for players to learn the game, since you get exposed to all sorts of base designs. For experts, cleaning up disasters is fun. You can even challenge yourself by choosing bad options from the temporary overseers. It makes the game evolve a meta game without the need for forums.

Wild idea! Not realistic to implement.

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3 hours ago, Nickerooni said:

Imagine this:

You play your base for 10 cycles and the game demands that you rotate base ownership. You get to leave a note for your successor, share your base with the world and a ton of other people, temporary overseers, will play your base for the next 1 cycle or 2.

Some time ago, some users made custom maps and your idea was part of it. Player shared saves and had fun together for example..
There was a forum section, created for such stuff.
Post your idea more detailed there and start it with a save, perhaps ppl play with you.


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