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I love this game, but sometimes its really difficult to love. I've got over 350 hours in it, so I'm not new, but I'm definitely not up there with some people. These are just some of the main features I see this game needing to truly become what it can be.
Over my last play through of about 400 cycles, which had to end due to real life responsibilities, I made a list of the stuff I still saw the game needed.

This is the topmost problem with the game IMO. Dupes still have issues working on the correct stuff, even after meticulously organizing their priorities. I think the problem is that any dupe can pick up any job any where at any time.
This is fine for the default case and early game, but at some point you only want specific dupes working on certain things. This is how complex systems of workers get stuff done IRL, and ONI needs this infrastructure. Specialization via skills is fine, but that just makes dupes better at their job, it doesn't help dictate which job they work on. People IRL work in teams, not alone(most of the time).

Ex1. two miners, and two large mining projects one in the slime biome to the left of base, and one in the oil biome below. I can set one project's priority over the other, but then both miners work on that one. I want to split the two miners between the projects.
Ex2. Order the building of a vertical ladder and mine out one tile on either side. Two to three dupes will run out to work on that, but the miners inevitably go faster than the builders and thus the builder bottlenecks the build. This is fine as it's part of the mechanics. What's not fine is the miners running all the way back to base to sweep a piece of dirt into storage then running back when another job opens up. SO MUCH WASTED TIME. They should have just idled at the ladder.

New building at a certain research point after and in the research line of the job board, Duplicant Collaboration Matrix or something.
Create "projects" by selecting a bunch of build orders and giving them a name.
    Assign them priority. This priority is assigned in a new "Project List" box, and exclusive only to duplicant teams.
    Random dupes are barred from work on projects. Only teams are allowed to build inside that box you draw.
    Allow the ability to shut off all work on a project.
Create named teams of duplicants which generally try to work adjacent to each other.
    Assign them to projects
    "Force only project work" toggle on the dupe in their team overlay entry. (set to on by default)
        This forces them to only pick up jobs in their projects. While assigned to a project, if they run out of stuff to do on that project, they just idle until there is another task in the project to do. (prompting either a new "project idle" notification or just the normal "idle" notification.
        This lets some dupes work only on the project and others come in and out if necessary.
    Increased morale while working with friends in a team.
    Decreased morale when team members are stressed.

Some of us aren't here for the exploration part of the game.
    I like to build a well laid out base and that is made tediously difficult by not knowing what I have access to from the start.
    I don't want to use debug mode or sandbox cause that eliminates resource management, which is the core part of the game.
    I want to see what I'm getting into before I dedicate my next 50+ hours to a map.
    Fog is mostly just a time sink IMO and definitely one for players like myself.
"Start world with fog" toggle in advanced world generation.
"Pick dupes after map generation" toggle in advanced world generation.
Put the name of the overlays and plans into the hotkey menu. I don't know which overlay is "overlay 12".
In each gas/material entry in the database, link the buildings which create it, and the buildings which use it. If no buildings make it, give a description of how it is created.
Add the unlock-able overlays and plans to the hotkey menu b4 they are researched(still can't open them even if hotkey is set)
Deconstruct tool works on bridges in their respective overlays
Allow dupes to "pack a lunch" and just carry a piece of food with them.
Allow us to destroy artifacts like tables and lockers
Mass disable auto-disinfect/auto-repair tool


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