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In the Divine Comedy by Dante, the lowest level of hell is described as a frozen lake, with the inhabitants forever trapped inside the ice. I, Raspberry Milkshake, believe this is incorrect, and that I have just witnessed a level 10th level of the inferno. Something truly horrifying. This is my story.

Part one: the bar of eternal suffering

Alright, so I has been having some issues with my PC, but what these are don't matter to the story, only their results, so lets just skip to the chase. I launched up DS, ready to continue on the Hamlet world I had made the day before and was pretty proud of, and immediately noticed something was off. The taskbar was in front of the game. Now, for those of you have never had this happen to them, it means that you cannot access your hotbar while in fullscreen mode. This meant I had to change to windowed mode, so I constantly had both the taskbar and other open tabs peeking out the sides, not to mention that the game itself was significantly smaller. But little did I know that things where about to get a LOT worse.

Part two: the stalker

I noticed that I needed some gold to complete the project I was working on, and that I had none. Now, there where a couple of bat caves I had yet to loot, so I set out on my journey. I was just on the outskirts of town when I noticed that something was following me. The masked pig. I had a solid 40 oincs on me, and I swear that man is impossible to kite. I lead him to a iron hulk, and try to get it to kill him. Now, fun fact, it turns out that the hulk can PHYSICALLY NOT HURT HIM. I then just get some pig guards to kill him, and the entire field is set on fire. Ouch.

Part three: the army of darkness

Now that I had dealt with the masked pig, I returned to my errand. But before I could reach the caves, I had to traverse the jungle. Did I mention it was the middle of monsoon season? I think you can fill in the blanks.

Now, all of this would make for a pretty damn annoying session, but not worth posting on the forums in such a dramatic fashion. Yet I have not mentioned one thing.... the worst part of this entire saga, and the single worst thing I've ever had happen to me in a videogame.

Part four: the orchestra from hell 

I really damn love the DS music, so I understandably wanted to be able to hear the game. In retrospective however, that wasn't worth it. I mentioned I had done some fiddling with the computer before, and that caused this to happen. Imagine if almost whenever you clicked on something, it changed to night, dusk, or day, any track came on, or at random, your computer burst into fits of this.



Now, I don't just mean it played once. It burst out, like some unholy orchestra from the depths of the inferno itself, constantly assaulting my ears, playing over and OVER, overlapping, repeating, seemingly neverending. And that was the worst part. Sometimes it played once, sometimes twice, sometimes three times. And then sometimes it just. kept, going. The sound of the rabid beetles, the ambience, the music, hell, even the masked pigs little tune, was constantly mixing into the sound, a feat that would make even the worst karaoke singers cringe.

I really don't know how to finish this. **** you Dante. 

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