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Rags to Riches

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Happy new year, y'all! :p

We've all seen noobs - the poor souls who wander into servers, inecessantly ask for base location and flint, eat all the food and generally leech off the team, who either put up with them or kick them in frustration.

But every now and then we see noobs who actually are willing to learn and help out quite in the process. Those are the stories i wish to hear and tell, those rare gems i see which have my due respect.

Let me start with the story of today's Webber. We based down at spawn since it was near a swamp and a 1 pig torch set piece so accomodating him when he spawned in was easy. We set about teaching him basic things like how to start spider wars, how to cook, but it was sadly no surprise to see him fall to the hands of a Terrorbeak.

However, he began randomly haunting things, and one of those things was the Pig Torch, with it's owner dead at the time. Apparently, haunting a Pig Torch spawns a new Pig Guardian. He then haunted the pig to induce lycanthropy. In minutes, we had piles of manure, a couple meat and a pig skin.

But it didn't stop there. The Webber kept repeating the process, and I was happy enough to kite every pig that followed, filling our larders with meat and supplying us with much-needed manure and pig skin.

How about you, guys? Anything like this to share? :)

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I also did that when I was new to the game

there was this group of survivors, near spawn, and there where a pig guardian set piece with lots of guardians. they weren't guarding anything, probably dug up.

i was webber, so I didnt know that the pigs also hated the non-spider characters.

so I haunted the pig torches and haunted the pigs to produce pig skin and meat, and wrote in the chat: "free meat, free meat, take the free meat", never realizing the pigs were aggressive toward the other players.

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