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Stexatlaser - Simple TEX Atlas Packer

About This File

Go to GitHub for the latest version!

Stexatlaser (Stex)

Stex the Stegasaurus

Stexatlaser (stex-atlaser, a play on 'spectacular'), or simply Stex, is a simple tool for generating a (Klei) TEX format atlas and its key from a simple folder structure with no external dependencies required.

It uses an implementation of the MaxRects algorithm to efficiently pack each input element image into a larger atlas image, with as little wasted space as possible. Some empty space is inevitable given that atlases must have power-of-two dimensions.

It can also reverse the process and extract element images from an atlas using its key.

Stex uses the following syntax scheme:

stex <global options> [command] <command options>

The order of switches within each options section does not matter.

Basic Usage

Creating an Atlas
To create an atlas/key, start by setting up an input folder with the following structure:

|-- element1_name.png
|-- element2_name.png
|-- element3_name.png
|-- ...

The available input formats can vary between systems, but most common formats are supported. See All Commands/Options (on GitHub) for more information.

As implied by the above, the folder name will be used as the atlas/key name, and the file names (with the extension ".tex", see Additional Information on GitHub) of each image will be used as their respective element names. All sub-folders and other files will be ignored.

Then run Stex with the pack command:

stex pack -i "X:\Path\To\Input\Directory" -o "X:\Path\To\Output\Directory"

When finished, the resultant atlas.tex and key.xml files will be placed in the specified output directory. You can then refer to each element by its name in LUA without concerning yourself where they actually were placed within the atlas.

If you want to see the element arrangement, try viewing the output with a TEX viewer.

Extracting an Atlas
To extract an atlas, run Stex with the unpack command:

stex unpack -i "X:\Path\To\Input\key.xml" -o "X:\Path\To\Output\Directory"

The key's corresponding atlas, which must be located alongside it, will be read automatically using the name specified within the key.

When finished, a subfolder with the name of the atlas will be created within the specified output directory that contains each individual element as a separate image. This results in the same structure used as input when packing an atlas.


When packed, a folder of images that looks like this:


Will produce the files "test.tex" and "test.xml", which will look like:

test.tex (in a TEX capable viewer)



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Texture filename="test.tex"/>
        <Element name="ear-0" u1="0.4375" u2="0.478027" v1="0.329102" v2="0.391113"/>
        <Element name="ear-0 - Copy" u1="0.472656" u2="0.513184" v1="0.266113" v2="0.328125"/>
        <Element name="ear-1" u1="0.372559" u2="0.40918" v1="0.941406" v2="0.999512"/>
        <Element name="ear-1 - Copy" u1="0.372559" u2="0.40918" v1="0.882324" v2="0.94043"/>
        <Element name="eye-0" u1="0.949707" u2="0.996094" v1="0.622559" v2="0.670898"/>
        <Element name="eye-0 - Copy" u1="0.413574" u2="0.459961" v1="0.580566" v2="0.628906"/>
        <Element name="eye-1" u1="0.198242" u2="0.244629" v1="0.173828" v2="0.216309"/>
        <Element name="eye-1 - Copy" u1="0.245605" u2="0.291992" v1="0.173828" v2="0.216309"/>
        <Element name="eye-2" u1="0.505859" u2="0.554199" v1="0.831055" v2="0.865723"/>
... (etc)


Special Feature

Stex has a mechanism for recording if atlases it creates are using pre-multiplied alpha so that it can be handled automatically when unpacking. See GitHub.


View on GitHub for more info: https://github.com/oblivioncth/Stexatlaser

If you believe you've found a bug, please file an issue there instead of just mentioning it here. Discussion otherwise is fine.

Edited by oblivioncth

What's New in Version 0.2   See changelog


This update includes several bug fixes and additional features.

New Features:

  • Many image formats are now supported (see "stex -f") as input for the pack command
  • Slightly improved error message clarity
  • Backend cleanup/simplification
  • Modified source to support Linux builds
  • Binaries for Debian x64 will now be provided

Bug Fixes:

  • Remove XML header standalone attribute from atlas keys to be more compliant with standard handling
  • Fix unnecessarily large output TEX when input is a single image that already has power of 2 dimensions
  • Fix off-by-one error when converting coordinates to relative floating-point during atlas key generation
  • Add ".tex" extension to all atlas element names if missing (see README for more info)

Stex_0-2_Debian_x64.tar.xz Stex_0-2_Windows_x32.zip Stex_0-2_Windows_x64.zip

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User Feedback

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I'm aware that this exists: 


but obviously it's dated and (seems?) to have some issues so I just said screw it and made something similar from scratch for fun/long-term convenience since I can now easily modify this tool instead of being stuck with the binaries of that one as they are.


Edited by oblivioncth
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Great tool. It definitely seems like an improvement over the other tool.

Would it be possible for you to release Linux (Ubuntu specifically) binaries? All good if you can't though.

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:49 PM, BlueBeka said:

Great tool. It definitely seems like an improvement over the other tool.

Would it be possible for you to release Linux (Ubuntu specifically) binaries? All good if you can't though.

I don't think this would take much effort to port. At the moment I'm a little stuck dealing with some unexpected crap, but when I can I'll try to make Debian compatible binaries.

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:49 PM, BlueBeka said:

Would it be possible for you to release Linux (Ubuntu specifically) binaries? All good if you can't though.


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un or pack.bat

just transfer this bat file to the same folder with the program. And then just drag the folder or xml file onto the bat file

bat text:
pushd %~dp1
cd %~dp0
stex.exe unpack -i %1 -o .
stex.exe pack -i %1 -o .

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I like your tool. But when I packed. It changed picture size. My original picture size is 64*64. After packed and unpacked. It became 65*64. This made a bug in game.

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