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More vote power for longer living players; Disable world regeneration vote; Redesign vote window

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The longer a player is on a server the more vote power he should have. Or at least his vote should have more power whenever he votes "no".

I've seen one too many worlds being regenerated by the votes of new or dead players who wouldn't give the world a chance or refuse to show some patience and willingness to adapt, thus ruining the progress of eventually outnumbered seasoned-in players. If at least the "no" vote of longer living players would be weighted more this could easily be prevented. Their "no" votes could also then easily outweigh kicking attempts by troll friends who join a server only to start kicking people at random.

Additionally - or alternatively - you could disable any voting for fresh players (like, during their day 1-5 or something). If they may get trolled by other new or seasoned-in players their losses will hardly be that great, they don't really need the vote options at hand when they've only just begun playing on a server.

Perhaps ghosts should be forbidden from issuing and voting on anything at all, or at least they shouldn't be able to vote on world regeneration.

The world regeneration vote should maybe be disabled by default when creating new servers. It might be that the admins of many client-based or dedicated servers don't know how frustrating an unwarranted world regeneration vote can be (are there any warranted world regeneration votes?). If they actively change this vote option to be active so be it, but otherwise it shouldn't be there. The harm caused by trolls can usually mitigated by a rollback; I've yet to see any good reason why people need the world regeneration vote. If they really want it that bad and everyone actually agrees with it people can just kill themselves (in Survival). World regeneration is overkill and has done me a lot more harm than good (I think only harm, actually).

Additionally the vote window is pretty badly designed. I've already caused one or more world regeneration votes to pass because the game would take my click on the wrong option ("yes" instead of "no"). Please redesign the vote window to have more space between both options, maybe put them to the left and right of each other instead of up and down. Maybe prevent mouse clicking on them but instead assign some keyboard keys to the respective vote options, like F1 or F5. That is what any Source-based game does. No way I'm ever gonna accidently choose the wrong option then.

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I agree with all this (except for the vote window thing, I dunno).

I'm pretty sure Klei has been getting endless reports from this person who abuses the vote system with his bots right after joining. Only giving voting powers to 5 day or older people will certainly fix this problem, since the vote abuser will have to stay alive for about 1 hour 20 minutes, which I'm guessing his bots wont be able to do due to them probably not having a DST survival AI.

I can see where making older players' votes could help, but one cannot vote for theirself, that being the main problem with vote kicking.

There is literally no point in world regeneration votes. They do no good. To anyone. All they do is give players like the one mentioned earlier the power to easily troll people by regenerating worlds repeatedly, right after they spent hours working on it. If it's not getting removed, please at least have it as a separate enablable / disablable options and have it disabled on your own official servers Klei.

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Absolutely agree. Voting is such a problem that it destroyed the fun I had with this game. Several times I went far on different servers, only for a newb troll squad to join and wipe everyone's progress. The irony is that voting was introduced to help players deal with griefers, well guess what? Griefers are the ones massively empowered by this system. The vast majority of servers I see have it enabled, it's not a little problem you can avoid.

There is no will to play at all when all of your hard work and progress will probably be ended by people who don't know how to play and feel the need to destroy your game. Griefers could be dealt with by hiding your base and carrying your valuables, they absolutely can't be dealt with now that they can abuse the voting system.

How to fix world regeneration votes? Make it so 1 "no" vote will cancel it. This way inept people who LOST can't end the game for those who are WINNING. This is more convenient than dying on purpose to regenerate the world, as if it fails you won't be left a hopeless ghost.

I don't have the means to host my own server or friends to play with. I really liked pub servers because of the pure chaos, the people dying and struggling, the intense chatter, it made the world seem alive. Now pub servers are over for me. I would very much appreciate if at least Klei removed this feature from their official servers, and if any competent hosts who are reading this removed it from theirs.


Sincerely, a disappointed player.

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Yeah, a dude and about 3 other people, probably bots, joined and kicked an innocent player. Then they tried to roll back the world for no reason. I tried to uphold justice and managed to kick one of the bots/griefers. Then I got targeted by them since they saw that I would be the one to stop them and I got kicked. This needs to be fixed immediately. :mad:

Edit: The people/bots that tried to cause mayhem were Webber ghosts.

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I'm hosting my own dedicated server now, and I'm wondering if there are parameters to put into the server files that would disable certain vote features, particularily the world regeneration vote.

There is this one

but I wasn't able to adapt the line mentioned in there ("enable_vote_kick = true/false") to world regeneration so I'm either dumbfounded or the corresponding lines (should they exist) are differently articulated. Can someone maybe enlighten me? There is this Steam workshop mod here


that allows you to change voting features in some ways, but it isn't working as it should, the creator of it hasn't responded back to my questions yet and even if he should and I get that one working I really don't want to depend only on a mod that may exist/work/will only be supported for so long. I need some official and guaranteed-to-be-working parameters to work with or I might just as well stop hosting my own server because the annoying world regeneration votes were the main reason for me to come up with that one in the first place.

I've made another thread in the Dedicated Server section of this forum because apparently we need to request features for dedicated servers there instead of here? Here it is:


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i massively agree with op (even with weighted votes even though nobody will make them)

(i will also point that i too missclicked because of design\myownstupiduty but it really feels like i clock on no and it presses yes)

and also this;

On 1/13/2017 at 4:40 PM, GruesomeGruel said:

How to fix world regeneration votes? Make it so 1 "no" vote will cancel it.

and this:


On 1/5/2017 at 0:20 PM, Electroely said:

one cannot vote for theirself


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I've had a few incidents of groups of people or one person and his/her bots wiping worlds. It's a good thing I make backups of my worlds. Also, someone on my server wanted to roll the dice and instead called for a world reset vote. It ended up passing and she felt really badly. I know she didn't do it intentionally because she's been playing on my server for over a year. It's never made any sense to me that roll dice and regenerate world are right beside each other... Ended up disabling voting after that.


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